
]Just wondering how you did this month ? This year I will make a new post at the beggining of each month, so we don't have to go through so many replys toward the end of summer !!
Flagmanonice.......[cool] GOOD LUCK !!!!!!
Not much fishing for me this month. Im thinking my 35 in, walleye is going to be here on June 13th or 14th. That 35 incher ill let you take a picture of flagman[

Trolled for Northerns with spoons at about 1ΒΌ mph. 'twas fun, yup, 'twas fun. [laugh] Some of them attacked with a vengence. One of them nearly swallowed the spoon! The entire thing inside it's mouth. Hooked in it's throat.
This was on Lower Lake Auburn off Hwy 5.

] Walleyeteaser, I finally got back the pictures from the trip to Canada (the last one ). Thinking about Ottertail this weekend ?
Flagmanonice...............I'll take a picture of your 35 '', if you take a picture of my 36 ''