At the beginning of each year, I sit down and make some fishing goals. They used to be pretty ambitious (Species count, fishing waters count, trips, length of fish, etc.), but this year my goals were:
1. Average at least 10 fish per trip.
2. Try to not get SKUNKED at all. (My rule is that I must catch it via hook and line. Minnow traps, nets, etc. don't count.)
Now I consider myself a pretty darn good fisherman, and have some outstanding fish counts for certain waters at certain times of the year....but I still have slumps, and think everyone does. I'll give you some statistics for this year:
- I've been fishing 38 times this year
- I've been skunked TWICE (In fact, it was two consecutive fishing trips...that left a mark)
- I've had 3 trips where I only caught ONE fish per trip.
- Out of those 3 trips where I only caught one fish, ONE of those fish was a 1.5 inch SHAD!!!! (See how hard up I am to count every fish that I catch to not get skunked!)
- I've had 6 trips where I caught between TWO and FIVE fish per trip.
- I went on a real slump where on 4 consecutive trips, I only caught 10 fish TOTAL. (for all 4 trips...2.5 per trip!)
- At Strawberry, where I consider myself an excellent fisherman, I had 8 seperate trips where I caught LESS THAN 10 fish there per trip. (some of those were 1 fish trips, mentioned above!)
However, on the bright side, here are some positive statistics:
- I have caught 579 fish this year so far, which means my average is 15.23 fish per trip. [

- I have had 5 - 25+ fish days at Strawberry this year, and one of those was 64 fish! (Last Saturday 11/8!!...looked like a freaking chinese fire drill for about an hour!)
- I caught 52 Stripers at Lake Powell in one trip.
- I caught 37 Largemouth Bass at Pelican in one trip.
- I enjoyed every single trip...even the ones that I got skunked!
My point is, you have good catching days and bad catching days. But if you don't go you won't have any catching days! When I report to somebody that I caught 64 fish one day at Strawberry, they ask me how I do it. My answer is that if you fish 30 times at Strawberry, at least a FEW of those times you are going to have a good day!