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Full Version: do i STINK?
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the answer is yes. a couple of weeks ago i went to jordanelle because they said it was hot i caught nothing. went to willard today saw the fish on the finder but no takers. i think i am giving up until it freezes over. i tried a minnow, worm, white jigs and red and blue and nothing oh and i took tubedudes advice and SLOW and LOW and nothing so i give up until the freeze.
Jordanelle should just be getting good about now, I am heading up that way about friday and find out..[Wink]
[cool][#0000ff]Bummer. You're gonna get a complexion or sumthin'.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Almost reminds me of a story I read one time where the guy got so despondent he decided to commit suicide. Loaded the gun, put it up to his head, pulled the trigger...and MISSED. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Don't know what other advice I can offer Bro. I will be hitting Willard sometime in the next week and I will ask the fishies what the problem is. They don't always tell me the truth, either, but it's worth a try.[/#0000ff]
I have heard that some people are so concerned they have other people bait their hooks because they believe the other people leave a different smell on the bait-so maybe. But mostly I think those people just worry too much. What I do when the skunk is on is just quit trying to catch fish and start enjoying the fishing- [fishin] good luck.
Go to strawberry anyone can catch those cutts[:p]
that would happen if i tried it but i wont because i know fish are wierd. they can be hungry and take any thing and everything you throw at them. so i am not to worried.
"so i am not to worried."

[cool][#0000ff]Good attitude. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If anybody tells you that you need to be more positive...just tell them "Okay. I'm POSITIVE I stink."[/#0000ff]
i will do that
At the beginning of each year, I sit down and make some fishing goals. They used to be pretty ambitious (Species count, fishing waters count, trips, length of fish, etc.), but this year my goals were:
1. Average at least 10 fish per trip.
2. Try to not get SKUNKED at all. (My rule is that I must catch it via hook and line. Minnow traps, nets, etc. don't count.)

Now I consider myself a pretty darn good fisherman, and have some outstanding fish counts for certain waters at certain times of the year....but I still have slumps, and think everyone does. I'll give you some statistics for this year:

- I've been fishing 38 times this year
- I've been skunked TWICE (In fact, it was two consecutive fishing trips...that left a mark)
- I've had 3 trips where I only caught ONE fish per trip.
- Out of those 3 trips where I only caught one fish, ONE of those fish was a 1.5 inch SHAD!!!! (See how hard up I am to count every fish that I catch to not get skunked!)
- I've had 6 trips where I caught between TWO and FIVE fish per trip.
- I went on a real slump where on 4 consecutive trips, I only caught 10 fish TOTAL. (for all 4 trips...2.5 per trip!)
- At Strawberry, where I consider myself an excellent fisherman, I had 8 seperate trips where I caught LESS THAN 10 fish there per trip. (some of those were 1 fish trips, mentioned above!)

However, on the bright side, here are some positive statistics:
- I have caught 579 fish this year so far, which means my average is 15.23 fish per trip. [Smile]
- I have had 5 - 25+ fish days at Strawberry this year, and one of those was 64 fish! (Last Saturday 11/8!!...looked like a freaking chinese fire drill for about an hour!)
- I caught 52 Stripers at Lake Powell in one trip.
- I caught 37 Largemouth Bass at Pelican in one trip.
- I enjoyed every single trip...even the ones that I got skunked!

My point is, you have good catching days and bad catching days. But if you don't go you won't have any catching days! When I report to somebody that I caught 64 fish one day at Strawberry, they ask me how I do it. My answer is that if you fish 30 times at Strawberry, at least a FEW of those times you are going to have a good day!

Were you fishing from a boat or from the shore ? We fished the shore line near on the Rockcliff side and did real well but these last couple of outings only caught 2 & 3 all day. Im thinking with the crowds it got hit pretty hard.

The good sent remover is mud dip your hands in the water then rub dirt all over them and rinse