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Full Version: Brookies through the ice - Little Dell Reservoir??
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In doing some research in the interest of catching some brook trout through the ice this year, I ran across Little Dell Reservoir. I have never fished it and have yet to read an ice fishing report from there.

First of all, can you ice fish it?

If so, is the lake accessible most of the ice fishing season?

Are there many brook trout in the lake? About what size?

When does the lake freeze?

Any other recommendations for catching brook trout through the ice within 4 hours of Utah County??

(We are already considering renting a snowmobile in Torrey to get to some of the year aroung Boulder Mountain lakes)

Are you referring to Little Dell near East Canyon ? From my understanding they stopped stocking that lake years ago.
Never really seen anybody ice fish it

If I were and you have Ice sleds better off heading up too East Canyon Res
First of all to find out if it is open to ice fish look at the reggs or call the DWR and ask they should know better then anyone...
Its my understanding that there are only Cutts there now. THe last brooks were caught a wile ago. If you are targeting brooks you could try payson lakes before they close the gates for the winter or Silverlakeflatts up AF canyon. Good luck.
There are several brooks and cutts in it. My biggest brook was 16 inches, quite a shocker. This was 2 years ago.

It is open for ice fishing, however it is a artifical lure only reservoir and catching fish there is difficult when ice is on because of this.

It is protected and treated like a Cutthroat Trout hatchery.

It is one of the most difficult places to fish, I have had several great days fish after fish but majority of the time its a 3-8 fish a day catch or a great big SKUNK.

I wouldn't waste your time ice fishing it TBH.
I fished Little Dell once from my raft and got a skunk, although I did have some definite hits and one brief hookup on a black wooly bugger fished deep. I would have probably caught a couple but the wind picked up something fierce and I had to leave.

Fishing hours are from 8 to 8 (you do have to pay too, $5 I think), you have to stay away from the dam, and no bait of any kind can be used. Artificials only! No wading, no swimming (unless you have waders). No motorized boats. They are very strict because it is directly tied to SLC's water supply. The rules are still kinda dumb but whatever. It is also under constant video survelliance, and when I was there there were guards watching from the dam. During high terrorist alerts they sometimes shut the whole thing down.

Alot of people think of it as their little private, secret fishing hole. Its true it doesn't get much use. It's a great place, and pretty too if you want to take a tube out. Some people mistake it for Mountain Dell which is very close and by the golf course, but fishing that place is a BIG NO NO! Oh yeah, you'll get fined if caught at Mountain Dell, so make sure you sitck to Little Dell.

Of all the reports I have seen, CBR here is the only one I've heard who said they caught Brookies. It is mostly full of fat utah native bonneville cutts which have been stocked there.

Here's some pics I dug up of the typical Cutt caught there... As you can see they are quite healthy!

[Image: file.php?id=3114&t=1]

[Image: file.php?id=3115&t=1]
Yes there are Brookes in the lake and good size along with good size Cutts. As others have stated lures and artificials only. Some days are better than others. My Wife and me have had days where you can catch fish non stop and others the bite is tuff.
I fished it once by the inlent and caught two really nice cutts. One Bonniville and One Bear lake on a tube jig and bobber. They do patrol and watch you from the access point off the highway. It was a little uncomfortable being my first time there. I kept wondering if I was doing something wrong. I read the bullitin by the bathrooms and they say to immeaditly release all cutts and mention Brook trout being in there. I liked the lake and the fishing, but have yet to be back. The pictures above are about the size of the cutts I caught.
We have had days and hours of catching 20 or more an hour. We have also caught Rainbows. Lures with the color green seem to work the best. Kastmasters and Crippled Herrings work great.
Jacksonman: How are you? Long time!! We met at Scofield last year early season. Little Dell very rarely freezes. It has to be a really cold winter. In the past I know there have been some restrictions on fishing there not sure what they may be if any this year. Hope to see you up on the pond. I think I am going to hit Huntington the week after T-Giving.
I've been up a couple times in October and the guard mentioned it was open for vehicles and boats (nonmotorized) until 10/31. Can you park somewhere and walk in after the lot closes?
The colors on those cutts are awesome.
We park in the parking lot and walk down and fish