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I have never done this before and I feel a little weird doing it, since I am not a particularly religious man, but I have seen it on a number of other web sites and I figure it cant hurt so here it goes....

my wife is 6 months pregnant and is due to have our first child at the end of february.... this week we found out that my little boy has an espophegal atresia and a tracheosophegal fistula... which means his esophagus did not develop and his trachea has merged with his esophagus... so whenever he swallows the amniotic fluid just comes back out his mouth but whenever he breaths amniotic fluid goes into his lungs... which is fine for now but will be a huge problem when he is born...

If his esophagus is long enough they can open his chest and reconnect it to his stomach when he is born, if not he may have real problems..

so if you have an in with the almighty, any little prayers you could send his way would be greatly appreciated.. thanks AJ
Sorry to hear that Aaron. I will certainly include your son-to-be and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear your unborn child is having these problems, I'll add him to my prayer list.
I'll put your family in my prayers..
Trust in God, for only he knows why..
[quote fishing4thehog]I'll put your family in my prayers..
Trust in God, for only he knows why..[/quote]

Same here!
I can't do much for ya when it comes to praying but I hope everything turns out ok for you, your wife, and your son. If you need anything, ANYTHING!, no matter how big or small, don't be afraid to ask. I'm sure everyone has my back on this, nothing is more important than family and you're part of the bft family.
thanks so much guys... I cant tell you how much it means to me... AJ
I've got twin boys who had alot of problems in the womb so I know where your coming from. When my sons were born they only weighed 2 lbs each. I will be thinkin bout ya and like it was stated above if you need anything let me know.

Even if its just someone to sit with ya. When my boys started having problems a buddy of mine who is like a brother to me took me out hiking and at the top of Deseret Peak we just sat there for hours without saying a word and that helped me the most. Eventually we talked for a while and it helped too.