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In light of recent post about allot of spin fishermen using "FLIES".
First of, without trying to come of as an ELITIST, there has been long hard discussions on several FF boards as to what REAL fly fishing is.
Some say it is "FLY" fishing which means only WINGED insects. Then there is the old school ENGLISH that say a fly is a NYMPH or a WET FLY.
Personally I like the idea that a FLY is all stages...(pupa, nymph, emerger, wet, dry...etc)
BUT, I am by no means a purist. I fish San Juan Worms, Eggs, Leeches, and Bait Fish.

The Bait Fish & Leech flies however, are basically lures.

Now we do fly swaps all the time, I was just wondering, do you guys ever do LURE SWAPS?

I have some killer patterns that catch fish on any kind of rod/pole.[bobhappy][fishon]
If the snap you mean are the little wire things that you tie on your line so you can hook your fly or lure on yes I have tried them but they didn't work that well..

Some of the lures would come off after a few fish was caught...
Cliff, I think you need to put your reading glasses on...Flyflinger, I always thought of fly fishing as an art. I can appreciate the effort and time put into it despite the elitists and their point of views (kind of like bass fishermen). I always thought of fly fishing as (you're going to scream, lol) fishing with a fly pole, that simple. You have the backer and the tippet and some fur ball leech or microscopic arm hair with a hook on it. Put it in the water and hope to catch a fish by fooling it. Oh...I make myself laugh...seriously though, unlike fly fishers most of my 'lures' are made of plastic of some sort or wood. Also, unlike ff'ers? most of 'our' lures are bought over the counter. I have been through hell and high water to find the people that have the ability to make my custom 'lures' and I'm not about to swap that for anything. I understand what you are talking about but making 'lures' requires alot more strength and alot less finesse. Yes, we 'bait chuckers' (not a fly pole) put alot of time and effort into custom jobs but once we figure something out we tend not to share it as openly as ff'ers (ok not really, I just wanted to say ff'ers again...[Smile])
I do lure swaps all the time. I swap them for green paper with dead presidents commonly know as "cash"...LOL No, seriously I trade lures and/or equipment all the time.

And you should use "snaps" on all hard baits. Much more action [especially on jerkbaits] and less break offs at the knot. If your loosing lures because of the snaps, quit buying them out of the bargin cave....LOL
[quote fsh4fun05] I always thought of fly fishing as (you're going to scream, lol) fishing with a fly pole, that simple. [Smile])[/quote]

fsh4fun05, A lot of people think that, but I thing it is all in what is at the end of the line.

You put a worm, or powerbait, etc. on the end you are a "BAIT CHUCKER"
and so on.
But then there is the "SPIN FISHING" which IS indeed the reel.

But "FLY FISHING" is or should be, what is on the end of the line. If you use a "FLY" and a spinning or baitcasting outfit, you are "FISHING A FLY" which equals "FLY FISHING".

I want to also get others take on that.

I have know people who use a Fly "ROD" with regular mono on a Fly Reel or even the Fly Line and Leader/Tippet, a hook, and a worm or Salmon eggs. That is BAIT FISHING, no matter the gear.....right?
What I see today, and what I seen last night oh boy I have to stay of that moon shine...

I have tried the snaps but loose too many lures with them...

Lures and reels I have some old one some from in the 50's still in the box...
flygoddess Sorry about the post I must of had to much moon shine be fore I read your post...

I use to fly fish a lot when I could walk the streams, but now I like lures and lakes...

To me a fly fisherman is any one that uses a fly or throws a hook with that fuzzy stuff on it, and you are one of the better one at it...Poles or just a stick its watts on the end that counts...
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are you talking larger flies? streamer types? I usually fish pretty small nymph patterns and frequently target the weber river. I would love to find out what your killer patterns are. If you would prefer to pm that would work.[Wink]
I am talking LARGE streamers, and more on Stillwater, but basically cause I have never tried them on a river.

My favorite "LURE" is a #4 Bunny leech sort of fly, which I call the CHUB SPECIAL. Here is a picture, but the one I do best is TAN, bunny and Marabou:
[Image: Crayfish.jpg]

When I say LURE, I know allot of you guys buy the molds and make your own Rapala's, but think about FLIES. They are much cheaper to make (after you buy the initial equipment, and they are killer.

Here is a few more "LURES" I have tied with the first two having a TANDEM hook:

[Image: WaskullyWabbit003-1.jpg]

[Image: 2006-06-08002.jpg]

By the way, Hit Strawberry (Renagade) this morning and landed about 20+ and missed about 8 on the CHUB SPECIAL

[Image: PB160051400.jpg]

Those are some neat lures you have there. I recently picked up fly fishing, and the most frustrating thing that I have found is that many fly fishermen act like grumpy old men. I can simply ask how they are doing, and all I get is a scowl. Never ask them what they are using, that is a huge sin. I understand the work it takes to find out what to use, but you ask 99% of spin casters, and they are more than willing to share and help. Or even BS with you for a bit. But not fly fishers. I know not all fly fishers are like this, but the majority that I have recently encountered are. Any insight on this?
You are definitely running into the wrong FF, but there are @#&^% in all branches of life.
The ff I am associated with would be more than happy to tell you what where and when.
It is a good thing I tie my own flies cause I will give out hand fulls on numerous outings.
My thoughts are, I am doing great and this is what I am using and doing, so if I can help someone else out, what the heck is it gonna hurt.

But I also guide and teach ff so that is just how I am.....always on duty [laugh]

I know what you mean though. I too have come across those type, but they really are a small portion of ff.
Glad to hear that. I know you freely share info. And I hate to generalize FFrs, but I have been to the middle provo numerous times, and most of them will not even say hi. Kind of funny. I need to get some good technique tips from you one of these days. i really am enjoying learning, but my technique is pretty bad.
I have found most fly anglers friendly enough to say hi. Some have even hooked me up (no-pun intended) with some of their hand tied flys and some have told me what fly they were using and how many fish they caught that day. I think there has been a stigma for way too long attached to fly fishing as an elitest sport. Therefore I think some fly anglers have become weary of talking to others on the river for fear of being scowled at, therefore they appear themselves to others as being elitest. I might be wrong, that's just my two cents...Really though, I have found most other ff'ers to be quite friendly and helpfull. [Smile]
If you want to talk fly fishing stop in at Fish tech any morning from 9:30 to about 11:00 and have a cup of coffee with us and you can meet some real OLD time fly fisherman in the back at the table...

They love to talk fly fishing and what to use and how...

With over 200 years of fly fishing setting at the table...