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Full Version: Prowler Sea Trials
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I finally got a chance to get the new Outcast Prowler in the water for a few hours. It has lots of storage and its a good ride. It catches more wind than I'm used to but I'll get used to it. I bungied on a store bought rod holder but it wanted to ride too high so I need further modifications there. The adjustable apron was useless, gonna have to rig up something different there. I had Outcast flippers and never could keep them tight on my wading boots.

All in all, the tube performed nicely but the accessories need some help. I really like the
air up seat and floor. A few tweaks and I think it'll be a good boat.
Thanks for the review. Don't see too many Prowlers around so, it is up to people like you to get the word out.
PICTURES would be nice.[laugh]