i was working on the section below echo this week and i couldnt believe how low the river was in some spots it was ready to turn into a puddle. we had to cross the river to trim some trees for rmp. and all i had to do was throw my ladder acrossed it. the ladder hit the bottom of the river and my boots still didnt get wet. i hear of alot of people doing well below echo and was just woundering how the fish survive there? i was in henifer do more streams connect to the rive lower down?
Posted the same question last year when it was even lower. Currently it's at .93 scfm and has remained at this level for quit some time. Last year it was about .75 scfm. .[mad] I can only assume that the fishies collect in the deep holes and with this level of flow, it's enough.???? Can't remember getting a real good answer then either. You wonder when the whether gets cold and it freezes over, it get even tougher to survive. There seems to be reasonable #s of fish there with #s of big uns that have survived, so maybe,---------- it's ok?
The fish don't survive right below Echo each year when the flow drops to essentially nothing. They move down stream or die. Enough water comes in from Lost Creek that fish survive below where that comes in. When water levels come back up some fish move back up beyond Lost Creek. Now it's legal in Utah to maintain water levels for fish thanks to Trout Unlimited pushing for the legislation about a year ago. Maybe some group can look into maintaining a minimum flow through that stretch to improve the fishery.