last day state land A season
after stuffing myself on thanksgiving dinner
i woke up still feeling the i was undecieded if i was going to go out in the morn.i knew mike wasnt going,as we left it on thursday he was going on at 6 am i am looking out the window,still very dark,at 6:15 the 6:25 i am starting to see the outline of the now the coffee is kicking in,and i am feeling more of i throw on my boots and coat,kiss the wife and told her i was going out,and headed out.i get down the road an 8 pt jumps out in front of me and crosses the road.(this is the one thats been hanging around the fields at my house.)he stops just on the other side,i stop,roll down the window to try to get a pic.he snorts and spins around and flip me the tail.i think he was telling me something
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.so off i go mumbling to myself.
i get to state, land walk was perfect conditions,leaves were not noisey,no breeze,dead silent.i walked up to my stand,and look around,then decide that i am going up the hill more where i saw more sign the day before.i get up there,and find a comfy rock on the stone wall with a group of trees on both sides of me.i sit down,get out the doe can and wait.i sat for 20 min.then gave the can a shot,waited another 20 min did it again.about 15 min later i here rusling of the leaves like a bunch of squirles,then up over the hill comes a doe dead run,right behind her was a buck grunting up a storm.i pick up the gun,the doe spots me,stops and spins around.and runs back towards the buck.the buck stops and faces directly at me.i turn on him and fired,perfect neck shot.the doe hung around a bit then snorted and off she went.i waited for a while before i head toward him.while i was sitting to give him time i noticed some branches of a bush i shot through were debarked,so i went to look at it,my wading was stuck in the branches
and poor mike,he got a monkey on his back,he didnt see anything on private land. then went to state.he saw a nice 8 pt that was walking along a stone wall about 180 yds away,so he got buck fever and tried to get close,and did some dumb things he got spooked and ran.
around430 pm i was getting ready to go to walmart to pick up vacume seal bags.the phone rings,it was bill he got a nice doe behind his house,needed the truck.the newbe is doing good
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