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Does anyone know if the perch at Mud Lake are back in the numbers and size they were a few years back? I heard from a couple people that they are but wanted to hear from you guys.
I have no idea, but I will go find out as soon as possible. Two years ago the big perch fishing was incredible. Last year we still caught a few decent size ones just not as many 12"+

I'm curious about that too. I only made it out once last year d/t other commitments but I am hoping the mercury will drop and it will freeze before too much longer.
It was awesome fishing up there! I want it to be that good again. How did you do last year? What was the average size? Were the numbers still there?

Please pm me if you don't want to share all that.
A few 10 to 12 inchers and the numbers were there during December and early January. There was the annual fish kill later. We will have to see what is there when it gets safe.