Fishing Forum

Full Version: Last trip to the Berry this year
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We got to the Berry at 7:00 little to no wind, temp 27* water was 39.7 and we was the only boat there...

Jerry put me in the water and parked the truck and away we went, started fishing at the ramp and west along the shore...

about the 20 yard mark Jerry hooked up the first cut, then my turn both was about 20"...

The water was slick, and we picked up one here and there all along the shore, we trolled or cast along the shore all morning...

The breeze started about 10:30 and made it cooler and a few light clouds moved in, about 1:00 we loaded the boat and headed home we boated 17 or 18 cuts for nice day on the water...
where did you put in?
Strawberry bay we had four fish and had to go back for my sunglasses before anyone else had lunched...