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Took the kids for a drive on Sat. Just happened to throw in my ice fishing sled just in case. All was for not.

Mud Lake is 2/3rds capped. I actually walked out on some of the ice but just could not get out deep enough to fish. The ice was 1-1/1/2".

Roberts is capped and should be fishable within a few days if the cold weather holds. It was about an 1" thick, just not thick enough for my large frame.

Rexburg Nature Pond is also very close. The ice is under 2" thick. I walked part way out on it but the ice was talking in ways that I did not like so we went home.

This week I will have no time for ice fishing so if any of you get out be extremely careful the ice is definetly behind the normal schedule although it sounds like Ovid Creek found some at Island Park.

Thanks for the heads up Windriver.
Thanks for the update Windriver! I think we will have close fishing by the end of the week. Island Park is quite safe, and it has basically froze like a doughnut right now; hard around the edge, but watch out for the middle.

I hope to attempt a first soon, and I don't know what the results will be, but Rigby Lake will freeze soon if it has not already. I hope to get on it quickly, but I don't know how safe it will remain after it initally freezes. As the water table drops, Rigby Lake drops, and throughout the winter the ice top collapses. If I drill and the water is bellow the ice I would call that a watch out situation.

I will post when I venture out.

Nice Avatar[Wink]
Ya, I couldn't let you pollute this forum without opposition.[cool] Good Luck against Alabama. We get mighty Arizona for the third time in three years. [pirate]

First off the BCS is a joke, an absolute joke. It seems a little messed up that TCU or BSU doesn't even get a shot at getting in while the Big East and Acc send a team each.

Thats horrible you guys have to play Arizona. I was hoping that there would be a BYU BSU game or something better then Arizona.

Utah and BYU get no national credit, if you have been watching sports center you know what I mean. Its awful.
Last comment on this subject and then I will have to move this highjacked thread to the off topic board.

I hope Utah gets up and competes against Alabama or the critics are going to rip the MWC appart. I really wish BYU could have played BSU but TCU v. BSU will be an awesome game.


I am going to go and check the Nature Park today and see what it looks like. I will let you know.