12-16-2008, 04:08 AM
I have a buddy who wants to go on the 2009 rifle buck deer hunt with me. He used to live New Hampshire and has taken his hunters' safety course in NH. He was in the Navy and has been out of the country for the last six years but is now a resident of Utah. Does he have to take the Utah Hunters' safety course in order to apply online?
My other question: Bonus points. I've been putting in for limited entry buck for the last few years and have not drawn out. The last two years I just bought a bonus point. As of right now I have eight bonus points for limited entry buck. My buddy caught my interest when he said I could use those points for premium limited entry and I argued with him but he made a point saying that there are no premium limited entry bonus points. Of course at this point I would rather use my points on a premium hunt seeing as how I'm going to be hunting general season next year but I wanted to know if this was true or not. Do limited entry bonus points cover premium limited entry as well?
My other question: Bonus points. I've been putting in for limited entry buck for the last few years and have not drawn out. The last two years I just bought a bonus point. As of right now I have eight bonus points for limited entry buck. My buddy caught my interest when he said I could use those points for premium limited entry and I argued with him but he made a point saying that there are no premium limited entry bonus points. Of course at this point I would rather use my points on a premium hunt seeing as how I'm going to be hunting general season next year but I wanted to know if this was true or not. Do limited entry bonus points cover premium limited entry as well?