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Full Version: Most Snow Contest !! ??
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[cool] Something to do huh ??

My Current Snow : figure 2, 640,000 or so cubic feet

BFS [fishin]

Id say you have a commaning lead on the snow contest.. 3 ft deep by 20 acres.. thats a lot of snow.. LOL...

[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][pirate]I got hit with 6" of rain earlier this week and that would equate to 3½' of snow. Not too good when our hills were just striped of all it's foliage in last months fire. Hey but we need all of that snow & rain to refill our lakes & reservoirs. It is always nice to watch the snow fall sitting in front of a warm fire. However, the fun ends there when you have to shovel a path to get to one's out house. Been there done that. [Image: whistle.gif][/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]BTW nice video.[/size][/#008000][/font]
still working on shoveling a path to that snowblower where it quit lol, new storm by tomorrow night and oh yes am parked right by the woodstove [cool], forcast is -6 actual for tonight, brr.

I remember doing a job in Agoura in Ventura county and it rained 9" inside of six or eight hours or something, was right after bad fires too, was a mess, the streets ran like rivers, lost several homes from the slides, lots of water !!

BFS [fishin]
I don't want to win , sun's gonna come out tomorrow and it'll be 60 and it will all melt, and I can go ffishing, right ?[inline url.htm]

BFS [fishin]