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does anyone watch surviorman My boys and myself love that show too bad there will be no more new ones.
I do. Much better then Man vs Wild where he takes a crew and they look for things to do and shoot. It is Sad he is done with the program.
yeah i dont watch man vs wild he doesnt impress me
Yeah, that's a great show
les stroud is an amazing person.there are reasons at the beginning of every show it says "dont attempt this at home".he is a very well trained individual.ever try anything from the show? i remember being in cub scouts trying to start a fire with a "bow", it took me well over an hour to get a ember to just begin.people die every year thinking, oh i can do it.this guy did it ,in some of earths harshest places.just because its on tv,doesnt mean "oh i can do that".there were alot of search parties that recovered the bodies of people thinking "i could do that".