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Full Version: 12/26 Late Scofield Report
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We hit the ice around 8:30 and fished just past noon. Fished in depths of 8-12 ft about half-way to the island. Between the 5 of us we iced 7 trout, and had about just as many bites. Mostly Tiger trout, 1 Cut, and 1 or 2 Rainbow. We used glow-in-the-dark jigs tipped with wax and mill worms. My brother caught a nice 19 1/2 Inch Tiger Trout. I was the only that got skunked, but loved getting out.
Sorry you got skunked. But it sounds like you had fun any way.[cool]

Thanks for the report!
I fished Scofield yesterday too. Arrived at 7:30 fished between the East bank and the island. Caught a nice rainbow and a small tiger. Moved around quite a bit but couldn't find any fish so about 11:00 I decided to take a ride around to the west side. Walked out a ways, drilled a hole, dropped in the flasher, and found I was only in 5 ft of water[crazy] Decided since I already had the hole drilled and was tired from the walk out I might as well fish for a while. (You have to walk a long ways on the west side to find deeper water) Started marking fish every 10-20 minutes. Left the ice at 3:00. Ended the day with 6-tigers, 5 cuts, and 3 bows. Seems Scofield has hit it's usual late December slow down.

Weather: good

Ice: Six inches of clear ice under the mess. Really rutted up from the wheelers playing in the slush. Lots of slush in some areas. Used snowshoes on the west side, helped alot.

Rig: glow in the dark jighead tipped with meal worm or crawler.

Thanks for the updates fellas. Some of the boys and I may head up there later.

The new slot starts in only two days. I think it will produce some big fish in a year or two. I am kind of excited about catching some of those big cuts and tigers.
Based on the hit and miss fishing this year it looks like the new regs are overdue. I fear the Chubs have taken hold and it may be an up hill battle to get the fishery back. I hope I'm wrong and next year at this time we are singing a dirfferent tune.
I guess I dont see this year is any different than any of the past several. Scofield always starts hot at first ice and dies off toward the end of December. It will pick up again in Feb-April, but no one fishes it then...

I personally have never caught a chub there. I suppose they're there, but I 've never caught one. In my opinion we're just losing another lake to slot limits. I realize the new regs are good management, and I love the tigers, but I really liked the old regs.

I fished the tourny on the 27th. Not so hot. We started around 7:30 with a group of 7. We tried everything from gizzy bugs to plain old power bait. Nothing. Nothing on our fish finders either. In fact, all the other groups were doing awful as well.
It wasn't till around noon did they start hitting.
Ice was about 5inches, slush was about 3. Snow was 4. Rough walking in.

Next day some of our group decided to go in the afternoon. They caught their limit. These scofield fish piss me off.