Did a little late season jump shooting and knocked a few birds around. Got lucky and found a few Hungarian Partridge as well! That's a first for me while hunting ducks. Nice clear day, but it sure was cold.
[inline quackers.jpg]
nice job buddy, looks like you are making up for lost time.
thanks for sharing. [cool]
Nice Job Beeman. Thats a nice mixed bag of birds.
Thanks guys. Did I mention that #3 Black Cloud does a number on Huns???[

[crazy] You can't eat a cloud of feathers Brandon.[:p]
Nice looking goldeneyses! Your right about them black clouds they do damage on everything! I dropped a big goose last week with #3s at 30yds good shells for the money.
I have never tried black cloud on huns but I have shot a few partridge of both kinds with # 2 steel. It was late season and I was trying to hunt waterfowl near a hill that had warm springs at its base. Not my preferred load but it does kill them. I understand Vic explained his idea of a hunting dog to you while you were working on his knee last week. gshorthair
Small world eh? Vic is a good egg. He had some great advise, and I really appreciate talking to guys that know something about good dogs. I'm gonna take him up on some pigeon training.
I wasn't planning on finding any Huns, but when the opportunity presented itself, I was happy to oblige. Silly little huns.