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Full Version: Echo 1/10
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A budy and myself wanted to get out and hit the hard deck. we didnt know where to go but decided to give Echo a stab. We arrived near the damn at 8:30 got out on the ice. We set up the tent and got holes drilled in about 37 feet of water off the first turn off near the damn. Nothing coming across the fish finder. Decided to move towards that second turn off. A few people were catching them in close to the shore just off the point at about 15 feet of water. We setup and with in 10 mins had a hit. but that was it. Fishing was very slow and didnt even show many fish. we ended up leaving around 2:00. Did anyone else get out on echo today and have any luck?
One trout, 15 perch......slow day!! My boy had a ball though.

[#ff0000][/#ff0000]We were out there as well today, and it sounds like you had as much luck as us! We fished the resort area from depths of[#ff0000][/#ff0000] 20' to 50' from 7:00 am until noon. My wife caught one bow, and my daughter caught one bow. Pretty dang slow! However it was an awesome day to get on the ice with my family. Hopefully it gets as good as it was last year[Smile]
I hear you about last year. We went out off the point south of the resort in about 40 feet of water and had a great time with perch and troutskis