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Full Version: A Big Thanks to all the Sponsors of the 2009 Flaming Gorge Burbot Bash
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I want to give out a big thanks to this years sponsors of the Burbot Bash. The first Sponsor that got on board was James of Maniac lures. Close behind him was Bountyhunter with ClickTee with his Burbot Bash Tshirts. Then Melissa with Fresh water Basics. I talked to Rob from Rocky Mountain Tackle next. Curly's lures and Smith and Edwards came next and soon after Radical glow lures. Last but not least was.Wade with Anglers Den.
I can't thank all you folks enough for all your generous donations,
I hope all you guys and gals that received any of the free give a way items would reply to this thread and thank these great sponsors and when you shop for any of your sporting good needs please remember them and shop with them, thanks. WH2
Thank you Wiperhunter 2 for a very orgainized Bash.
Thanks to the sponsors they add lots of fun and excitement to our get togethers.
[#500000]Yes!........A big thanks to all the sponsors, and to all the BFT folks who helped out in any way....The instructional segments were excellent......The people were fun to be around, and even if the fish were frightened out of their wits by the excessive noise, just the site of that big moon over pilot butte was worth the whole thing..........WW.[/#500000]
My wife I8trout says to tell everyone to buy some Rocky Mountain Tackle items to pay for our trip in June. ha ha.

Thank You Rob from Rocky Mountain Tackle for the trip it was a very nice prize to win. We can't wait till summer gets here. We have never fished Flaming Gorge. We do not own a boat. So this is a very awesome Donation and prize.

Thank You to Click Tee for the Burbot bash tee shirt. They are just awesome looking. I8trout2 won it and gave it to his Old man, Me. I also won a Bigfishtackle black Tee shirt which should be aired on Roughin' It Outdoors.

I'm not sure who donated the Padded bucket seat but being as we did not have one it came in very useful that night. My other son Im4trout2 won it.

Thanks to Curly's Lures for the free new tackle.

Thank you James from Maniac Lure. I'm sure I will give a sweet breath of fresh air to some nice fish with your tackle.

Thank You Meilissa, You are awesome for donating so many items for the Bash. You really made alot of people very happy. Us included. I have bought my fair share of Fresh Water Basic jigs and tackle and their stuff is really good.

Thank You Adam Eakle of Roughin' It Oudoors. Can't wait for your Burbot bash show. I record all episods on my DVR, just in case I miss one I got it set up to record every episode.

Thank you, Fishley for a very informative presentation of how, what, and where.

Thank you Wyoming DWR for a very informative presentation of the history of Burbot.

Thank you for the fish fry. I'm sorry I did not catch your name but the Kentucky Fried Burbot was very tastey and as soon as the recipe appears, My son told me that is how he needs his Burbot fillets cooked.

And thank you to all the other sponsers and helpers that Donated items and/or helped make it happen.

Maybe most of us did not put a dent in the Burbot population. The presentations and Camaraderie far surpassed the bad fishing and the costs of making it out there. Now that we know what and how to do it, we will be heading back up there in the next couple of months hopefully to catch some macks and finally to make a dent in those tasty Burbot.

I will be on for next years Bash to be sure.

Lastly a great big applause and Thank You to WiperHunter2 and Dubob for stepping up and organizing such a big event. It truley was enjoyable and informative.
I would also like to thank the sponsors. I really appreciated the tackle and information that was given out. I now have a new fly reel thanks to Wade at Anglers Den (thank you very much), glow in the dark curly tails from maniac lures, and several other packages of tube jigs and jig heads from the others who provided stuff.
Thanks to all the bft memebers and sponsers that made this possible it seemed like a great show.i really thought there would be a lot better fishing but thats fishing seems like the groups that got away did the best Thanks again to every one involved ASHLEY BONSER (fishley).
A HUGE thanks to you ash for giving out all the good info. I would say if anyone knows it is you.[Wink]
i also wana to thank all that assisted us. YOU ARE VERY VERY GOOD PEOPLE.... wh2 thanks you did the best bft gathering ever!!!! thanx to all that made the drive up and all who assisted behind the curtain. [Wink]
Thanks to everybody that sponsored and helped put this together. We got skunked but any trip that gets me and my family out of the city and on the ice is well worth it. Thanks to Adam for interviewing my 8 year old daughter and putting her on T.V. she told me that is why she was able to stay awake until 11:00 pm because she was trying to outlast any other kids[Smile] THANK YOU BFT.
Thanks Ash for the good time and fishing. Have too go again on our boat for Stripers.
Yeah! Thanks to the sponsors who provided plenty of small things (like jigs) so that even those of us who didn't win a big prize were able to feel like winners.