I would like to know what kind of damage we all did as a group? Hopefully it was significant but there are alot of them little buggers in there. If you know someone who will not reply but know how many they caught reply for them.
My party:
cathunter mike
kok head
we caught 37 total[cool]
I will try and keep track in my post with a list. If you see some missing let me know. It will be cool to be able to see how many we got.
Lunkerhunter2 party=37
Fishley and party=27
Im4trout party=1
Ratstar party= 1
RINO party =30
hookngrinin party=2
dubob party=5
tlspyder13 party=24
TrophyHunter407 party=13
DannyNoonan party=12
Line Dangler=7
hazmattr party=11
SkinnyLynnie party=6
[font "Arial"][size 3][#ff0000]TOTAL=183[/#ff0000][/size][/font]
Im4trout = 0 No Bites
I8trout = 0 1 Bite
Im4trout2 = 0 2 bites
I8trout2 = 1 16 inch
just got of the phone with ken we ended the night with 27 was all lol so that was with mactuna crossineyes utahwalleye chuck i cant remmber you buddys screen name and i had 3 other buddys from slt lake and the burbot master braden my son or aka minnow. the night before i think we got 68 out of the same spot so that was weel over a hundred in 2 nights.[cool]so that gave us 64 between are groups well done .
It was fun to be there and meet a few BFT'rs. It turned into a really nice windless, bright moon night on FG. The catching was a dissapointment compared to reports from past weeks, but compared to a lot of the other reports I'm reading, maybe we diddn't do too bad.
We had a group of 5, me from slc & my dad and 3 of his buddies from Evanston. Started fishing around 4:30 and fished till around 1:30 am. We caught a total of 7. We met a really cool guy named Jimmy. He was having better sucess than us. He was fishing alone, no lights or anything, and about 250 yards from any other fishermen. He caught a total of 5, which he gave to us. This may add to the theory of too much activity on the ice scared em'.
So the Dannynoonan party oversaw the killing of 12 burbot which we floured and fried during football on Sunday, and they were really good. We will head back and do it again sometime for sure.
Thanks to my fishn' crew- Dad, Dave, Mark & Bart, to a cool stranger, Jimmy, for the extra fish and some good conversation, and to BFT for putting the Bash together...
Ashley, that would be co_man_in_utah. . It was nice meeting you and your friends. Especially enjoyed meeting Braden and of course your newest family member Daisy Mae. It was a good night with friends and newly met friends.
you guys was smoking hot at first. glad you guys came with us.
TrophyHunter407 = 5
Fishingutefan = 5
Friend 3
sorry man terable with names
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Dubob = 2[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Bassbugn = 2[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Neighbor = 1[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Total = 5[/size][/#800000][/font]
Total was 1!
thefishpimp 9
Out4aFloat 7
tlspyder13 7
We pulled up stakes about 1am. I think they just wanted to shut me down as I just started to catch fish and landed a 25 incher.[:p]
The people closest to us left about the same time and they had caught 1.
That was fun Ash, thanks. hope you and Braden injoy them rods. we took my boat out in moring and never droped a line. the wind was bad we all got wet, white caps all the way across swim beach. later chuck
Hookngrinin party = 2 burbs
Good idea, I was trying to get a running tally on other post too. There was 13 of us and we iced about 30 burbot and a few macks on Friday night by 9:30pm.
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Over by the main group along the cliffs I only caught 2 in two hours, and missed exactly 3 hits. I moved over by the confluence point and missed all my few hits there, less than five. Than over closer to where I had parked my car on the other side I picked up more throughout the night. Total was 7. Mighty strange. [/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000][/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Looks just like what Ryno, Craig, and Drew Cushing have been saying about the ling. I tell you what, I remember last year we was catching alot more crayfish along with the burbot. Looks like they are moving around the lake looking for the food. I think they just weren't in our area in big numbers that day. I am heading up next weekend or next week for a little longer and I want to fish that cliff wall close to the Balcks Fork or some other spots. [/#000000][/font]
headspace 6
little man 3
dipstick(me) 2=11 total
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Which spot were you all fishing? There was a couple guys on an ATV that came up and said there were getting 50 ling in no time farther down closer to the Blacks Fork. Were you in that group?[/#000000][/font]
Together, "The Champ" and I caught 6 burbot Saturday night between 6 pm and midnight. She caught 6, so that tells you (1) how many I caught and (2) why she's called "The Champ." The worst part was that she used only one pole, and I had six. Every time I went out of the tent to check my set lines, which never caught anything, I came back and she had another one. Apparently, she had the right technique, and I didn't. Neither did my set lines. I had two tip ups and three poles with glow curly tail jigs and sucker meat at various depths. All night long, they produced nothing, which brings up my question. Did anyone catch anything on an unattended pole? I don't mean legally unattended (they were all within a few feet of our tent), but I mean not constantly being watched. To us it seemed that you had to be right there to react whenever a burbot started gently pulling on your line. That was "The Champ's" secret, and it worked for her.
we went down past confluence point on the east side off the rocky point and cliff line we punched a ton of hole and every one moved around and bs and hit a hole for 10-15min then kept moving that is the only reason we caught any has any one noticed how small the ling were no were near what we have been catch in down by anvil and holmes my son got a 6'' ling sat night just my 2cents we do better down lake from lost dog it has been hammered every night and i think ryno is on to something it will allso pick up after these guys spawn just like last yr . no we didnt do an atv but some kids from gr were runin around on one thay thought thay were perty cool till thay saw a pile of ling .
I'm liking the thread LH2. After reading all the numbers i'm thinking location was the key. Fishley moved a lot, I like that method. Me and you found a good burbot pathway, really great when you find one. Like people are saying dont let one skunk trip stop you, just keep trying to figure it out.