08-18-2001, 04:12 PM
Greetings All. Went out on the Pacific Star out of Daveys Locker <br><br>Thursday night for an overnight trip. Started fishing at 3:30am and <br><br>immediately got worked by a big yellow. Fish were in the 20 to 30 lb <br><br>class and 150' down. They mauled us all the way up. Had an absolutely <br><br>phenomenal time with 28 anglers on board. The boat is very nice and <br><br>comfortable. Crew was maybe the best crew I've ever fished with. <br><br>Kenny the skipper was right down on the deck helping out as everyone <br><br>was hooked up, it was CRAZY. Many thanks to the crew for making this <br><br>a great trip. Came back with 7 nice fish. Can't wait to go out on <br><br>this boat again.<br><br>