Fishing Forum

Full Version: Mantua Report 16 Jan 09
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The day at Mantua started out slow, but as I moved around to look for more active and bigger fish, the action got better. I ended up in the middle of the lake again with jigging spoons and airplane jigs producing most of the fish that I caught. It wasn't hot and heavy but I did catch enough for dinner.

Right off the bat I found fish, lots of them. But like last week when I found tons of fish in one location they were uncatchable. I moved around like I said and where I ended up staying untill I left there were only a few fish when I dropped the camera, but they were a lot bigger and MUCH more agressive.

I'll be out there again tomorrow with the family, and I will report again tomorrow evening. I think I am going to bring the video camera and try to post a video of the day's fishing expidition.