HIt the Berry today. Fished from abut 8:30 to noon. Caught about 10. Used white an green jigs ipped with minnow. I forgot my smelly jelly, and I think it really makes a difference. I had fishing chasing my jig up and down, but wouldn't always take it. For some reason, I don't know why, I seem to do better with the tail end of the minnow. We were fising 26 ft of water. Forgot my fish finder after I got on the ice an had to trek back to get it. I did notice that you really have to pay attention to your line going down. Most fish hit while the jig was dropping an if you were not paying attention to the slack, you woul miss them. All in all, had a great time. Ice is plenty safe.
Thanks for the updated report.
Hookjaw, Fishhooker, and I went out today as well. Pretty dang slow for us. I think we managed 15 fish or so, but really didn't miss too many bites. We moved around a lot... from 10-40' of water, but about 25' seemed to be best for us.
No big fish today... a few 20"s but nothing to brag about.
We fished off the campground today from 9:30-1:30 or so. SLOW SLOW SLOW!!! Iced 4 fish in 4 hours before we gave up. [crazy] This was a far cry from last week where we iced 40-plus trout. Fished depths of 25 to over 40 feet. The fish just did not seem all that hungry today! At least the weather was nice! [cool]
We where close to the same area, we where in the two redtents side by side. Where you with that large group ?