Fishing Forum

Full Version: Newton 1/17/2009
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Fished from about 11AM to dusk. Fished the middle to upper section in 8 to 16 feet of water. Water is way down (15 feet) from last year ice fishing.

Found a tightly packed group of 8" perch in the center of the lake. Also caught a couple of small crappie and one 12 inch bass.

At sundown caught about a 30-36 inch Tiger on a icefly and waxworm. Hooked it in the very side of the mouth were the line was safe from its teeth. What a beautiful fish. Made the trip worth it on that fish alone.

Ice is about a foot thick and easy to walk on. Air temp ranged from 14 - 18 degrees.
Sounds like a great day on Newton. Thanks for the report.
You didn't get a pic of that Tiger? That's one species I'd like to add to my resume. I'll try that pond next Saturday I think.

Any color jig work better than others? I've only fished Newton once before, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

[Image: happy.gif]My family and i will be leaving for Newton in a few hours it will be there first trip this year and my third fishing the hard water. done good the first two trips on perch and bluegill. hooked 1 fish and fought it for about 10 min. on 4lb. test line with a 2lb. leader finally got it to within about 4' of the hole before jig popped loose! never did see what it was. maybe this trip? Anyway thanks for the info.
Looked at the pic and you guys were fishing on the north end before it cuts back west. I have caught a bunch of perch in that area. I also noticed that in the pic that the furthest guy on right looks to be taking a leak. Nice timing for a pick![shocked]
I use the same technique, as others have mentioned for catching walleye. Fish for anything else "but" muskie/walleye.

I was just using a tiny yellow-green colored ice fly tipped with a wax worm. I was fishing with no steel leader and just a foot off the bottom.