6 of us hunted from Scipio to allmost Salina both sides of high way 50 from sunup to sundown and saw a grand total of 6 bunnys and not alot of fresh sign. Not knowing the area we did not take some promising lookig side roads being unsure of private property.
Busting through crusted snow for 9 1/2 hours and I'm POOPED OUT. Did get a crack at one yote and I missed [crazy]
The most rabbit sign we saw (lots and reasonably fresh) was on the S. side of 50 just before we got into Salina. It looked like an area we diden't want to hunt because of all the cattle and fenced.
Lots of rabbit sign on the west side of the freeway from Yuba exit to the to 50 exit.
Probably should have tried it there[:/].
Can't believe you didn't try your old elk hunting and grouse killing area we both use to hunt, I always see alot of bunnies there, at least during the archery hunts.[:p]
Yeah Pete Iknow. Thats where I would have headed but I was out voted by my son who by the way was driving and buying the gas.
Seems like he thinks his old man at 63 tears old has old timers or something [shocked]
Nexted time " I'll buy the gas" [

Kids, ya got to love'em.[:p]
Still waiting on the elk info in Wy. you promised me before Christmas.[mad]
???? Don't really have any?
That's okay, Game biologist in that area gave me some ranches to contact if we draw permits and I talked with several of them that will allow us to hunt with no fee.
I normally dont keep "secret spots" but this is all I have heard this year is that nobody kind find any rabbits. Well, I have gone out 4 or 5 times this year and have seen between 50-100 rabbits each time, only killing between 1-6 each time but at least I let them know I am there (shoot at them)!!! Matter of fact we went Monday and seen a rabbit that looked like the Easter Bunny, but black. This thing was as big as a dog. Couldnt track it down to get a shot off, but I know he is still out there. We nicknamed him "BlackJack"!!!
If your hunting in the mountains it was probably a mountain hare,they are huge! We would see them up near coalsville when we could deer hunt up there have never seen one since?
[url "http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mick-caddy-photography.com/admin/images/Mountain_Hare_Running_6_copy.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mick-caddy-photography.com/galleries/gallery.php%3FCat%3D1&h=369&w=600&sz=22&tbnid=h4XwUsdyTYL8JM::&tbnh=83&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmountain%2Bhare&hl=en&usg=__OIP-RQK_LwiRLzCPpdEJJA7JO5w=&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=2&ct=image&cd=1"]http://www.google.com/...mp;ct=image&cd=1[/url]
Is that what you saw?
It says there not in the states but I know what I saw and it sounds like you saw one! very rare!
Guess it could have been one of these critters,Maybe this is what we use to see up there?
I also have a honey hole and I am going to take crankem out there to shot a few with his muzzy. should be fun.can't wait.
I have seen several of those black bunnies up above Ogden. They are not like the ones in the pictures though. The rabbits that are black are usually domestic rabbits that have been released in the mountains. I also have seen a reddish brown one hopping around up there.
As for the rabbit situation, it's a crappy year! I'm not sure where troutslayer goes, but I know for a fact that Box Elder county sucks bad this year. last year I would see 100 rabbits in a chukar hunting outing, this year I have covered miles and miles and not seen one rabbit. I have also had freinds cover tons of area and not see a single rabbit. It's just a poop year, next year will be better. [

The black bunnies are here, I dang near hit one this morning on the way to work on 1000 west in Clearfield. I'm sure some one is upset he is missing.[shocked]
He's probably magpie food now [frown] , or fresh rabbit squash [

Hey. fishnfool:
As you know I'm trying to sell our house. Well all my loading gear for my ML is packed away in one of the 50 or so boxes in the basement.
I can lay my hands on the Omega but as for loading material [crazy]
Would it be OK with you if I took my 223. I promise I won't shoot at a bunnie under a hundred yards [

] so they are probably pretty safe!
HA HA ! I usually shoot a 22-250 and I only take shots over a 100 with it any way,if you can't find them in the scope there usually safe lol.
Shoot what ever you feel like bringing my youngest likes to shoot his shotgun my oldest likes his .22 and I like to shot long range so I'm not to worried about what you bring just have fun.
Talk to you soon,I would say we could get out there this weekend but I might be working if not I will give you a call tomorrow night,Bring your chains and shovels it may be little bit of work to get into these spots as warm as it has been and the snow melting has probably got it pretty messy.I'm sure it will be fun getting in there it usually is this time of year. GOT MUD
Chains? You mean the kind that bikers put on their wallets and attach it to their belt?
Oh lord the last time I've needed chains out bunny hunting the wife and I spent the night [shocked]
We got stuck and blew a hub on her Ranger trying to rock it out of a snow drift from hell.
Should have put the chains on "BEFORE" I broke her truck.
Thank God some other idiots were out there boony bashing and pulled us out ( 30 hours later).
I'm good to go. Got chains, shovel, tow straps, cell phone, GPS and AAA. Hope I don't need any of them [

i rember you shooting rats with your muzzloader at a hundered yards accross my pasture with my short hairs standing wathinghing them rats eat there food. [sly][sly][sly]
Thats been along time ago huh Craig! How you been doing? Last time I saw you was at the Willard tourny. Still getting along with your neighbor across the street [crazy]
Your daughter said she could save me some money selling our house. If she's still interested have her get in touch with me about March. (Really don't want to move this time of year).
Thought I would be a Wyo. resident by now. I've had enough fun in Utah [

Just want you to be prepared my friend.Probably wont need them but have had to on a couple of trips this time of year.Better to have the equipment then to not have it.I will have a nice heavy chain and a shovel.There is only a few spots that get hairy,mainly a couple of washes that get water down them when the snow starts to melt,I'm not one to take chances,If it gets to bad thats where we will park,just a longer walk to the good spots.
ya i talked to her about 2 years ago she was bitchin about my leaves in her yard.mine are all pine trees,she aint never gonna change ecept mabe brooms.[sly][sly]
Now thats some funny sh88 right there
] Sounds like the beast that lives accross the street from me!
![[Image: happy.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/happy.gif)