08-19-2001, 11:51 AM
BOSTON HARBOR & SOUTH SHORE- Stripers 8/18/01<br><br>Striper fishing improved greatly this past week with the changing of weather patterns. Bait concentrations of juvenile herring and silversides remain high. The morning incoming tides produced excellent fishing in Quincy Bay and Boston’s inner-harbor through the week with silversides providing the main forage. Bass as well as blues could be found in good numbers in the outer-harbor and on the ledges of the South Shore attracted primarily by the schools of young herring.<br><br>Paul Duffy of Nets Electronics, Bedford, NH and client friend Paul “2” had an awesome morning on the aforementioned incoming tide in Boston’s main channel on Wednesday. Bass between 24 and 27 inches were driving the silversides and herring to the surface in an early morning feeding foray. Herring patterns, half & half and Sar-Mul-Macs produced well on the long-rods while 4 inch Fin-S in Rainbow trout color and blue-back Sassy shads were the ticket on spinning gear. Paul “2’s” best bass was a 30 inch keeper. Not to be out done, Paul “1” Duffy latched on to what turned out to be his personal best and our second largest bass of the season---a 43”, 27-pound lineside. Meanwhile, B-Fast’s BAY FLY with Capt. Tom Hickie at the helm, guided client Frank Spann into his personal best striper on fly while fishing structure in Quincy Bay. The 38”, 19 pound keeper took one of Keer’s epoxy-head herring patterns. Orvis Rep. Tom Keer was in the thick of the melee, entertaining one of his clients. Both anglers took keeper bass two 32 inches. Tom Keer was particularly successful using a Ken Abram’s dropper technique using a Ray’s fly on the dropper followed with one of his 5/0 herring flies effectively “killing two birds with one stone” a “stone’s throw” from the City--no hyperbole there.<br><br>Gordon Lewis of Nets Electronics with Shaw’s client found the action in the inner-harbor early and in the outer harbor later in the tide. We were fishing with “Nets” most of the week—hyperbolic. Gordon did his best to not catch bass on the long-rod while his client brought in fish after fish on the rubber-baits between 20 and 27 inches. Outside, with herring in evidence, Gordon caught his share of both bass and blues using Sar-Mul-Mac’s with a short Orvis bite-protector wire. Both the flies and Fin-S produced keepers to 31 inches in the outer-Harbor.<br><br>Capt. Mike Bartlett<br>B-Fast Charters<br>www.bfastcharters.com<br><br><br><br><br><br>Capt. Mike Bartlett<br>B-Fast Charters<br>www.bfastcharters.com