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Full Version: Chesterfield Ice Fishing Derby
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Is anyone else going to the ice fishing derby at Chesterfield Reservoir this Saturday? Looks like its about a 2:45 min drive from Layton on good roads. With this storm coming in I'm sure it'll take longer so I'm planning on at least 4 hours before it starts. I sure hope the weather stays ok so it's not postponed. It'll be my first fishing derby ever; sounds like a lot of fun![fishon]
Where da hell is chesterfield? and is it worth a 4 hr drive if so i'm in. I'm always a sucker for a ice derby
I know a couple of guys on the Idaho BFT that are going up to it. They look forward to it every year. From what I understand the lake holds some good sized fish.
i sure does hold nice fish earlier this i caught a 5 pound bow derby allways sounds good it is worth the drive
The Idaho board is where I heard about it. They are limiting the number of people to 150 (some Idaho law) and it's sold out now, they only had a few tickets left when I called about it yesterday .[:/] I'll be sure and post on how it goes. Hopefully more of the Utah BFTers can make it to next years derby, just keep an eye on the Idaho forum.[Wink] They apparently had a derby last Saturday at Devils Creek Reservoir, sounds like it was a lot of funl.

I know that they had an ice fishing tournament/derby at Scofield Reservoir this year, which I didn't find out about until it was too late, oh well I'll go next year. Thats the only derby I've heard out in Utah. If anyone has heard about another Utah derby or even one thats close enough in Wyoming, be sure to keep us posted![fishon]