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Full Version: Hello from UK
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I have been tubing for a few years now and have two tubes...a Trout Unlimited Togiak and an Outcast Fish Cat 4 Deluxe. There are good and bad points for both tubes but I just wish I could combine the two to make my perfect tube! I hate the valves and the solid foam seat on the Togiak and I hate the vinyl bladders and apron on the FishCat4. I have noticed however a new tube on the block...called a Guideline Drifter...from Sweden I think and it seems to combine these two tubes good points. It looks v much like the Togiak but with a sturdier construction and air seat and backrest. Too expensive for me at the moment so I am thinking of how I might modify what I have got with some of your brilliant ideas. Photo of Guideline Drifter attached.

[inline guideline_drifter.jpg]
Awesome looking tube. That seat is cool, but I have a similar one on my pontoon as do several others on here and they prove not to be as comfy as they look.
Just my thoughts, I will wait to here from others.

Tube Dude (as well as a few others) Have done some cool mods to their SFC. Maybe he will jump in with a link or some pictures.

Myself, on my tube, I like the blow up seat and as far as room...plenty of that (NFO - Freestyle H3)
hello and welcome.
nice tube-me like it [Wink]
Looks as if the Drifter is a re-badged and "deluxe" version of the Togiak. I'd known about the Drifter for some time and thought it was a straight across re-badge, bud hadn't realized that it has an inflatable seat bottom.

Cool info!

It also seems to have a stabiliser bar behind the seat (which the Togiak doesn't). Don't know why it would need this. Also the latest version of this tube has an inflatable seat-back...couldn't find any pics.
Nice looking tube, It definitely reminds me of my Togiak. I have look in to it. Thanks for showing us.
just curios how much are they?
A couple of places in UK have them for about £200...about the same in Dollars at todays rate!