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Full Version: When you realize you have a problem
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In preparation for our trip to Minnesota, I've been trying to get some gear ready. Well I have only used spinning reels before and today i borrowed my cousins baitcaster combo to make a few casts in the yard to see how I liked it before making a decision on my next rod.

So i went and grabbed it and headed over to my moms house since she's got an acre lot it would give me room. I tie on a 1/2 ounce weight to it and start hucking it. Took me a few to even figure it out. Then I just kept casting and practicing with it. I like it! It starts to get dark and a slight drizzle of rain starts to come down, so I head to the car, only to return with my coat on and a flashlight just in case.

I am casting and I start to think that I may have been out for a while now and I look at my phone to see what time it is, oh wow, its been 4.5 hours of casting. Not in to water even. Oh man.

Well I trot over to the car after a few more casts, and as I'm driving back to the house, I'm talking to myself like normal, and the conversation turns to me having a problem. I am a bit obsessed with fishing. Especially for never wanting to fish! I have A.D.D. and a severe case of hyper-activity. So I didnt even think I'd be able to sit still to fish long enough to catch anything.

Now here is where I realize I have a real problem. The conversation continues (yes with myself if your wondering) and I tried to make the point its ok that I stayed out there for that long cause it will help to get me into shape for my trip. Well the point was brought up that the trip isnt till May! Do you really think you need to start training right now? Whilst its raining? Whilst its dark? And whilst you have no body of water minus the puddles in front of you?

Welcome to Fishing Anonymous. My name is Clint. I have a problem.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Hi Clint![/size][/#800000][/font]
Welcome to our meeting Clint.
Hi my name is also Clint, and I am a fish-a-holic. [:p]
Welcome to our 12 step plan Clint. You need to bring the beer for next meeting![sly]
I would have brought it this time but I'm allergic to barley so we'll have to go straight to the hard stuff sorry.

Thanks for the welcome boys. I've often heard the first step is admitting you've got a problem.
Hi Clint my name is bassrods.....
I was being nice and having you bring the cheaper item. I would much rather have Crown Royal![Wink]
HI Clint welcome to our club/obsession. My name is Macscabin
You don't have a problem, this is normal for many of us !