Fishing Forum

Full Version: NL Aquaculture, Romaine Dam, Maine Salmon
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ASF and the Salmonid Council of Newfoundland and Labrador (SCNL) issued a media release in reaction to the report by the Auditor General of Newfoundland and Labrador that was critical of the way the Province was managing its aquaculture industry.

The media release is on as well as a one-page backgrounder bulleting the concerns in the Auditor General's report.

Also check out ASF's AQUACULTURE ISSUES page for links to recent reports on the escape of Atlantic salmon on the Atlantic coast. ASF researchers were co-authors.

In Quebec, ASF and its Regional Council FQSA recently submitted a detailed review of the downstream problems associated with a proposed hydro development on the Romaine River, near the Labrador border. A one-page backgrounder describes impacts on matters as diverse as siltation to changes in temperature caused by the reservoirs. ASF's site at has links under the issue "dams and free passage".

In Maine, the process of determining whether to list the Penobscot, Kennebec and Saco river populations of Atlantic salmon, and determining critical habitat throughout Maine is continuing. ASF's ISSUE PAGE on US endangered species status for Atlantic salmon provides background, documents and power points on this important issue.
Welcome to BFT. Being that you have only 6 posts as i am typing this, links are not allowed in your post until you have 15 under your belt. Please remove the links until you have done this. Thanks.[cool]
Hi there -

Will remove links if you like - but the idea is to pass along items that are showing up in the ongoing battle to bring back Atlantic salmon runs in their range from Connecticut to Labrador. Links are entirely to news items - not commercial, by the way.
I understand that. The links are very useful info but BFT policy does not allow a link of any type until the poster has 15 posts. If you would like i can reply to your post and add them into mine for now. Thank you for cooperating.[cool]
salmonthink wanted to get this info out there for everyone to read. It is great info and there are some big issues with the management of these fish. Take a minute to read over it.[cool]

The media release is at [url ""][/url] and a one-page backgrounder bulleting the concerns in the Auditor General's report can be downloaded at
[url ""][/url]

Also check out ASF's AQUACULTURE ISSUES page for links to recent reports on the escape of Atlantic salmon on the Atlantic coast. ASF researchers were co-authors.
[url ""][/url]

In Quebec, ASF and its Regional Council FQSA recently submitted a detailed review of the downstream problems associated with a proposed hydro development on the Romaine River, near the Labrador border. A one-page backgrounder describes impacts on matters as diverse as siltation to changes in temperature caused by the reservoirs.
[url ""][/url]

In Maine, the process of determining whether to list the Penobscot, Kennebec and Saco river populations of Atlantic salmon, and determining critical habitat throughout Maine is continuing. ASF's ISSUE PAGE on US endangered species status for Atlantic salmon provides background, documents and power points on this important issue.
[url ""][/url]
By all means take them out and put them into your response.

Most of my future posts are likely to be such news on Atlantic salmon (for example, there is likely to be a decision on endangered listing for Penobscot River Atlantic salmon in the next month, etc. Maybe I will just "in words" direct them to the appropriate website in future, till we get to 15 posts. I do understand rules.
Thanks for understanding the rules of BFT and welcome to the site salmonthink. Now that LH2 has added your links to his post please go into your first post and edit it to remove the links. Thanks for following the rules and bringing this info to our attention. Here is a link to the rules, in case you have not found them yet:
[url ""][/url]
