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What color of the Radical GLow jiggs have been the best success for trout? I am heading up this weekend and want to pick up the blue color, but don't know how well it will work. Anyone tried the blue?
Havent tried blue but I have wanted to. I like natural green.
I use lots of RG tube jigs and the best colors and size depend what you are fishing for and where.

Any more details?
I have tried the blue on Flaming Gorge and found them to be burbot killers. They are super bright and very effective. I use the 2.5-3" tubes on a jig.

I have tried them for trout with no luck. I should also admit I haven't tried really hard.
Glacier blue is an awesome color. natural green, chartreuse, a mix between the two. pink with natural green also works very well. I have caught fish on almost every color they sell.
for trout pink in 2.5 inch has been my best producer thru the ice.[Wink]
All the RG colors are great but the shad white, and the pink and green have produced well this year, also the new red and white got ripped off the end of my line after i grabbed my pole as it was disappearing down the hole, i only had one(thanks blake ) that was included as a bonus with my recent rg order and it drew a ton of attention as soon as the jigg hit the 25' mark at echo, the marcum LX5 lit up. Having the shad white, pink and green, blue,and red and white will catch them if your tipped with the right bait, for what it's worth
you will like the blue. try any of the pinks and pink green. The new watermelon is a killer. the purple pink is another great one, still cant beat he regular glow color.
i got some at sportsman's before my last fish lake trip. i wantted to see if they were any good.. all i can say about them is coldfooter's jig's out fished them 6 to 1.. i tryed the green, pink,and white ones none did near as good as a plain pearl tube!!
I agree, I haven't been that impressed, but to each his own. Cheapo ones I got at cabelas have worked better.
To each is his own. I have had great success with them. But everyone has there own style and techniques. I fished last Saturday at Strawberry with a guy who had tried them with no success. My 3.5" radical glow outfished his paddle bug 4 to 1 that night. These jigs have worked for me in any application i have fished them . That's why I stick with them. Another popular jig are those ice - cutters. I have fished with them twenty times without success. Until two weekend's ago i caught some perch with them. But I know if I fished with them more i would find a better application for them.
I have now used the radical glow tubes at Bear Lake and FG and with only limited success. They do glow in the color of the tube, but they don't seem to glow any longer than the "freshwater basics" cheap-o glow tubes I got from Sportsman's warehouse. For the cost I paid I could have bought more than triple of the "freshwater basics" brand. Just my opinion though.
So where can we get coldfooter's jigs? Are they willing to tell us how to make them?
I have had excellent success with radical glows this yr. yes i have tried the blue with little success.. the color that has worked the best is.. green/green with white tail..
Good luck
i'm not sure if coldfooter will be willing to give up any or not.. i have been testing them for a year or two now.. and think that they are as good as any you can buy in any store.. but then i have been giveing input into the size and colors i would like to try.. he is a master at getting them just so.. so they realy are custom in a lot of ways.. i do add my own tuch to the jig heads.. but i can do that to any tube's i buy and it does make a diffrence in how well they work!

some secrets have to stay that way.. sorry but thats the way it is..