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Full Version: pictures too big
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How can I post normal size pictures.
I did try but they are just huge.
Please let me know.
[cool][#0000ff]Is the problem that you CAN'T get the pictures to upload...or that they are too large for some viewers to be able to view if they only have dialup?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You should have software that came with your digital camera that will allow you to edit and resize your pictures. We try to keep file sizes to under 300 KB, for everybody to see better. The file sizes for pics right off a high resolution camera may be 10 times that large. You CAN post them but many people will not even try to open them if they are that big.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you don't have software...or can't figure it the pictures anyway with a note at the bottom of your post asking for help in resizing. FG or myself can download them, resize them and repost them in a smaller format. You can also email or PM them to me in advance and I can tweak them before you post them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We would love to see your pictures, so bring 'em on.[/#0000ff]
Thanks Tube Dude, I would be happy to resize for you.

I second the Bring em on!
[cool][#0000ff]Can you make the fish look bigger?[/#0000ff]
SURE! I do it all the time LOL!
[cool][#0000ff]All fish look bigger if you are in the same tiny little thing.[/#0000ff]
ok sounds good
I will try to resize it and see what happens.
Thank you