this was a first for me
I was fishing EC today, things were going ok but started to slow down so I walked about 40' away to check for fish. kept looking at my poles, no action, checked another spot then walked back. when i sat down I noticed one of my poles was gone (down the hole)and the holder was in the hole.[frown][frown] As I reeled up the other one and a nice 14"er hit. so I decided to stay a little longer. drop in and about ten minutes later my pole started to move and my jig vanished from the finder, reeled up and i had another line on it(tangled mess). pulled up the rest and on one end was a fish and the other was my long lost pole![cool][cool][cool][cool] Although my rod and reel were covered in mud and algae, I got it back. thanks to the kind fish.
Now that is a great story!
Thats awesome, thanks for sharing... It compelled me to tell this story, this happened in Starvation many years ago... My dad was fishing with his cousins and they had several fish on a stringer like 8-10 fish. my dad dropped the whole stringer in the lake and they lost it and all the fish... a few months later they were fishing in the same place and my dad caught a fish that was on that stringer. half the fish were dead but several of them were still alive. Crazy eh...
I was fishing long and hard on the Feather River during salmon season, I was about ready to leave made another cast and BAM thought I had a monster on fought hard. When I finely got it in two fish limit on a stringer my lucky day, one was a 15 lb chromer the other a 18lb red beat up male. Not quite as great a story as getting your pole and fish back but still fun.
I've had the same thing happen to me twice at the Berry! lucky they were my not so good poles.
i must just be lucky i seem to wander around more than i pay attention, or maybe i am just a piss pour fisherman.[crazy]
We had the same thing happen last year at Otter Creek including the pole recovery. It happened again at Otter Creek this year with no pole recovery[frown] Now I tie a length of rope to the rod and a bucket or sled etc... before I go wandering.
Just buy you some of those carbiner latches, the kind mountain climbers use, out of the camping section at walmart. They are really small, not for climbing, but hook one to each end of 4 feet of twine then hook one to the handle of your bucket or to your rod holder. Then whenever your walking away for a minute hook the other end to the base of your reel. If a fish takes the rod you can pull it back up, if one is biting when you return you can still hook it and reel it in with the twine still latched to your reel. When your by your rod you can easily unlatch it so it's not in the way without having to untie anything.
nice idea thanks
similar storie with a bad ending. Last spring powell night fishing for stripers in the marina off the docks. I fell asleep only to wake up to th sound of my nice rod and reel setup literally go flying off the dock i jumped down to catch it but it was too late I still wonder what kind of fish it was sure thing though it was huge cant win all your battles
Cents everyone is talking about loosing their poles i would like to share a story about finding one.
I was fishing lost creek this last summer having a few to many and casted out my power eggs and didn't have any bites so i started reeling in my poles and SNAG but the snag was coming in i hade nylon braded line 20 lb test from muskie fishing the day before so i decdided to give it hell slowly but shurly i got my line in and their was a pole and reel hooked to it i snaged it by the reel it was a Cabelas set up pretty nice lite rod and reel i looked it up on the net and it was a 40 dollar set up not bad for catching a BUZZ and a new pole. After finding it i cleaned it up someone must have lost it the day before cause it was in nice shape but cleaned it up and tied on and BAM caught a fish right off the back. Not a bad day HUH............