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Full Version: Steelheading Feb 14th, 15th ,and 16th
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so on the 14th 15th and 16th steelienut , fishdickded, and i will be up on a steelhead trip in salmon and im just wondering if anyone has heard any river reports from up around shoup and down to owl creek? i read one that said the ice was to bad to be to bad to fish that was as of jan 29th, but i talked to a buddy of mine who went up last week and said the ice wasnt bad at all and they actually got into quite a few fish. hes not a good buddy just a guy i know and i dont know how reliable he is. im not to worried about it im pretty good at finding a spot to fish even if it is one hole all day. just wondering if anybody has been up there latley.
we were talking about going around that same time but i havnt talked to anyone that knows much so i am interestead to hear what you find out.
i called the shoup store he said there is alot of shore ice but the river is clear and clean you can call him when your trip gets a little closer Shoup Store: 208-394-2125. i usualy try to give them a call he is usualy fairly reliable
Why do I fish for steelies? You cant match the fight of a river steelhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats the truth
thanks for the info jigs much appreciated so it sounds like i might get in some good fishing gotta be careful on that ice though.
we were fishing ebaniezer a few years ago and a guy fell in up on the high side luckly it was only a few feet deep there.
that shelf ice is a trip i was scared to death on that stuff last yr we fished just down from pots tree farm it was great fishin. but this fall i got to make 2 trips a total of 11days and had a ball we got some very nice fish for up there i think why do i fish steelies?[inline IMG_0252.JPG]
wow thats a dandy from the salmon what did he go 15 lbs?that makes me so excited for the trip. nice fish congrats
13lbs lost a hen just before that that would have went 15lbs dangit oh well thay still aint orifino fish but saves me 6hrs drive goin to salmon even that is 6hrs goin after dead water blows out in march i hope.
Nice Fish! You don't see many like that come off the upper Salmon these days. 'Tis the season to start getting pumped, and that pic gets the blood flowin'!
so this is mainly a bump but just letting you guys know im still heading up to salmon this weekend to try and tear up some steelies one change though steelienut will not be able to accompany me. we are going to set a future date to head up togather i hope. im like a child waiting for christmas at this point. i had to bump this just so i could talk about it.[laugh]
a group from preston is in orifino, they went sunday someone talked to them tuesday morning and between 4 of them they had landed 6 fish. i am heading below shoup on the 18th, i think if nothin is going on there i think we are going to head up to orifino. from what they said sounded like they had some big fish.
i talked with a couple guys from IF that said last weekend thay still had slush ice and the shelf ice was good thay managaed to get 9 in 3 days thay said it would be great for about an hr a day and that was it iam hopein to come up on the 7th of march and fishing that whole week keep me posted how you guys do . i hear orifino is kickin out some great fish this yr thats were i should go why does it have to be so far lol good fishin guys.oh that was below shoup.
thats exactly how i feel why does it have to be so far?[frown] if i could afford the gas and an extra day thats wear i would be heading. im sure ill make it up there sometime this spring.
well tomorrow is the big day i just wanted to wish you good luck, have a safe trip and good fishin.
i know im very excited im doing last minute checks on every thing. im gonna go to the range and shoot my bow for a little bit to see if i can calm down. lol