I started fishing for muskies last year with the fly rod. what a challenge! Tied up some flies that I cant wait to try out. Had some luck with the bigger ones last year. Anyone else go after them?
liked the perch patterns nice tyin just getting into it myself. you should take them to starvation and fly for walleyes and bass also huge carp(not so bad on a flyrod but aint no tigermuskie0 report how well they produce for you this summer love the ambition though.
Awesome TIES!
Caught a couple with the fairy wand. Great fun! I have a hard time putting down a buzzbait and using flies.[blush]
I too tied some Muskie flies, just never get up to Pineveiw to try them.
Here is one:
I have had several tell me Nymphs work also.
Does anyone Think the fact they aren't stocking tiger anymore will effect the fishing for them?
Not for a couple years.
Looks good. Are you serious about the nymphs? What kind? time will tell about how the tiger muskie fishing turns out. Anyone tried the rod out at newton? I have yet to fish newton, plan on it this year.
Watch out for the power squadron up there! They will run you over and never turn around to see what they hit![pirate]
Get up there early before they sleep off their drunk from the night before.[

A little name dropping, but Lance Egan and Larry Tullis both say HARESEARS work.
[center]I think this guy knows a thing or two about "Flying in a Muskie".
[left]"Brad Bohen holds the 51.25-inch muskie he caught in October with a fly rod and a 36-pound tippet. He caught the world-record fish on the Chippewa River above Lake Holcombe." - Duluth News January 23 2009[/left]
Any word on what he caught it on?
I too would like to know what he uses.
Here is a link to the forum this guy is on. He has some pics of the fly's he uses and more pics of the record catch.
Sorry, can't post another forum.
Can you just copy and paste the pics?
I tried Newton last year, and had a number of fish follow my fly up to the tube, and then lose interest. I should have stuck with it though as I switched to a light spinning rod and as the sun got lower that evening, I hooked into three musky in less than an hour. We bought a house in Clarkston in July, so I'm definitely going to try again this spring.
I too experienced the same thing but at pineview. Numbers of fish would follow but never strike. I was new and made some mistakes. I am ready this year with a few different tatics to try. I cant wait. Is the ice off?[shocked] I am getting anxious. Would really like to try newton this year.
No, it's still freaking cold up here and I have three foot snow drifts in my yard The Bear River finally iced off this week, but I think we've got a while to go on the stillwaters. Too bad I don't ice fish, I'm getting terrible cabin fever. Last spring was my first time going for tigers, so I still have a lot to learn. I'm glad I caught a few, but I really want to get one on the flyrod.
i just pulled into the house in logan and it was 7 degrees so i am sure even the river is iced up again, or at leaste slushy. probly another 3 weeks i am guessing. i am no weather man though.
I've been fishing for them for the last 3 summers using striped bass flies I used when I lived in Massachusetts. At first I was using bigger flies and caught quite a few tigers, as well as some good bass, but when I put on a smaller fly, I really started getting a lot of fish. The size of the fish I was catching actually increased when I went with the smaller flies...more strikes and fewer follows. Size 2 deceiver is my favorite.
So do you fish the view? I tried some smaller streamers but never really had any luck. Since I was more confident with the large profile fly's that pushed a ton of water when stripped I never went back to the smaller streamer. Now that I have read your post maybe I should consider a size 2 deceiver. Any particular color?