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Went to Electric by myself Thursday. Fished by the dam. Caught 1 Tiger in about 25’ of water, the fish hit as I was reeling/jigging about 4’ below the hole. It hit a Radical Glow Tube 1.5” tipped with worm. No other fish were caught. Went deeper (about 80’) and was marking fish at 15’, 30’, and 75’ but none wanted to play. Used RGT 3”, redsides, anchovies, RGT 1.5”, chubby darters, but no takers. Stopped at Huntington for an hour, nada. Ice at both places was 20-24” and I drilled 10 total holes with a manual auger (good thing it was a brand new Nils [Wink]) I would highly recommend the Nils auger SAWEET!!!
glad you caught the tiger. you must have lots of arm muscles. no gym for you this week.
try some FWB jig's insted of the RTG's and you will put more on the ice at E-lake and huntington..
FWB'S? Help me out here Fuzzy...I have a lot of stuff in my tackle box but not sure what those are?
lol go down to sportsmens and get some of them very expencive fresh water basics (FWB) tub's 2" or 2 1/2" pearl or pearl pepper.. i think they are like .99 for 4 or 5 a pack.. i have allways done good at E-lake on the ice with them..

oh and if ya can find the pearl ones with the eye's painted on them they are gold at huntington![sly]
I was wondering if that was what FWB stood for! I use them too, and yes they work great for me...but not as good as they work for fuzzy. Probably operator error on my part. I have a whole box full of other more expensive stuff, but I carry six poles rigged with FWB jigheads every time I go out. Go Figure!

IceAndFly (formerly Chester)
That's what I was figuring you meant. My brother uses those almost exclusively...great at the Berry and Scofield too. I'm just always trying to reinvent the wheel.