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Full Version: Does size really matter ??
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Well my son and I hit rockport today.. We parked at the first out house.. headed almost to the center of the lake.. NOTHING !! Walked back further towards shore.. STILL NOTHING !! We fished 60' down to 10' . NOTHING NOTHING AND STILL NOTHING !! No fish swimming threw and no bites..
So we packed it up and headed to the south end of the lake.. Drilled 15 holes looking for anything. Nadda nothing zilch !! So my son said one more hole.. Dropped our line down the WHAM it was on.. So I thought.. A sucker.. Yes a sucker.. But still seeing fish on my flasher down went our lines.. Hooked 5 bows.. YA !!! Well you look at the pic. and tell me...
But all in all it was a great day to fish and spend time with my son..[cool]
thanks for the report. Personally I havent been able to work Rockport out for the last couple of years. When I fist started ice fishing 3 or 4 years ago the perch bite out there was awesome.
Does size really matter? Not when the alternative is a skunk!
Did you have to widen your hole to get that hoss in?

Even though it was slow, I was sitting in front of this computer working so I'd trade you any day.
Lmao! That's good one![laugh]
Whoops, I clicked the wrong buttons and now the moderator is going to have to review this posting for an inappropriate father and son fishing trip. How dare you model that wall hanger. Sorry TD.[crazy]
hey at least you got some bait for next time
I'll take a "monster" to a "skunk" any day!
That's awesome, you sucked me right in. I was expecting something else for sure.