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[left][font "Times New Roman"][size 3][unsure][unsure][unsure]Colorado River Story[/size][/font] [unsure][unsure][unsure]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Well several years ago 1980 while I lived in Riveria, AZ now Bullhead City, AZ the guys and I went fishing on my boat down the Colorado River, just below Play-A-Del Rio Golf Course. We intended to do some stripper fishing (stripped bass). The guys bought the anchovies and beer so we could have a great time fishing. We anchored the boat just above the Tri State area where Arizona, California and Nevada meet. We were having a great time fishing and caught several strippers. As the hours of darkness went we started to experience the beers takeing grasp and didn’t care what was going on[pirate][Tongue]. Several of the guys acknowledged that the fishing wasn’t all that great any longer. I couldn’t comprehend why?[/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Times New Roman"][size 3] [shocked][shocked]Have you ever seen a beached whale? [shocked][shocked][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]If any of you understand the water levels on the Colorado River you would know that is drops 20 to 30 feet in a few hours at night. Especially after Midnight![unsure][unsure][unsure] Well here are 4 [blush][Tongue][unsure][pirate] drunken guys in the middle or the river fishing from a beached boat that was casting their rods on a sand bar. Well to make things worse the company I was working for couldn’t understand why 3 of it workers were missing. 2 Mechanics, and a Lube man Tire man were not at work. That was the entire crew! To top it all off the owner of the company kept calling our supervisor. He never got a hold of him because he was with us! Needless to say it wasn’t until about 10 AM when the river started to raise enough to get my boat moving again. I would have loved to have a picture of us fishing off that beached boat. Well it was anchored well! [cool][cool][cool][/size][/font]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Here is a cartoon I did up. [Image: colorado.gif][/size][/font]
can't say i ever fished a sand bar but i to took 3 buddies and some jack daniels fishing didn't catch any fish be we all caught one hell of a buzz and spent the night and a good part of the next morning sleeping on a beach had one boss and everyones wifes and grilfriends really pissed off at us all
haha good one nighthawk! well one day, i tooka momma dutchie, and all 9 new little beagle, hound dogs in a box,haha and went fishin, should of heard em. haha. cool! jake and spud, jake, mine, spudley, my sons, and they were bout 13 weeks old, old enough, to use that litte nose. well i took dutchie up to knapps pond, it,s a mountain pond where it,s some good fishin. took the lunch and 2 big beers. haha anyways i git everybody out the truck set thebox on the ground and the pups crawl out, fat bellies can,t git out there own way ya know. haha and i got my fishin poles out got one set up, good hot day so said to heck with it i,m gonna have one, well opened it, set it near the tree, started to set up the ohter pole, and i hear all this camotion, of whinin barkin yellin, and there,s all the pups, course mine had to be over the whole can of beer just lickin it up./ haha and spudley right in the middle of all of em, what hounds, well i look at dutchie, ahd she,s just sittin there watchin em. haha she said you brought em you tkae care of em. haha well only one left. ya think i,m settin the next can down, don,t think so george! haha they didn,t git that one. i wonder why jake just set up against the tree all four feet in the air, haha can ya figure it?? spud cliffs pup was just as bad, he,s layin on his back with his feet inthe air, haha every tine after that when i went fishin with jake and spud they heard that pop and guess who come runnin. hahah they didn,t forgit and neither did i . ahah, i had drunk hound dogs. haha fun to try to git in the box to stay there on the way home. dutchie was disquisted with me cause she had to deal with em when we got home. haha, i miss them days haha just like kids. the more animals the better i say. there so funny. haha later[Smile][Wink]
[size 2]I have heard of similar stories on something like that in Laughlin,NV. The river is up and down and visitors do not pay attention and leave boats in water to wake and find them sitting on sand and rocks![/size]

[size 2] I didn't understand until I stayed at the River Palms facing the river. It was full and looking great in the afternoon.[/size]

[size 2] Next morning I woke to see it sitting really low! I guess these past stories are from people who stayed at camp grounds and leftr boats anchored right off shore[sly][/size]
same thing here almost , out on lake erie walleye trip , had one full tank of gas one 1/2 empty . i put the half empty one on at the launch and headed out , figured the full one would be plenty to get us back .

we got out a couple miles and the tank finally went dry . told my buddy to put the full one on .

uh oh , he says , i switched tanks on the way out !

i used the electric trolling motor till the batery went dead , from then on it was paddiling with one oar and tossing the anchor out ahead of us and pulling ourselves closer to shore .

we finally got close enough to shore and another fisherman towed us to the closest dock , 15 miles from our launch site and no gas stations around .

i had to walk back to my car , get to the boat , and get home just shy of 12 hours late for the wife's deadline to be home .

i know why she calls them deadlines , you cross that line and your dead ! lol !