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Full Version: Pelican Lake "Adventures" 2/7/09
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[cool]My alarm went off at 3:30, but I just couldn't get up yet, so reset it for 4:30. I finally dragged myself out of bed for what little I knew was going to be a crazy adventurous day... [:/][:/][pirate]

CBR, Bass Ackward and his buddy all wussed out on me, so it was just me, myself and I this time. It was lightly raining at my place in Bountiful, but by the time I was 1/3 of the way up Parley's it was snowing, and before I hit the top it was starting to stick to the road. Battled slimy roads all the way 'til about half way between Strawberry and Starvation. Going up Daniels on slushy roads in a Honda Accord was a real adventure to say the least, but nothing compared to what was next...

At about 6:45 it was in between dark and light and I couldn't find my glasses that morning which I use to drive in the dark... So at about 3 miles before starvation I see about 15 deer heading across the road about 30 yards in front of me...I was going 70... I hit the brakes, but unfortunately I hit one of the last ones crossing the road. [pirate][pirate]Luckily she was probably one of the smallest, but I hear a thump, and pray that she doesn't come through the windshield. Luckily for me she went airborn over the top and landed about 20 feet back on the road. After coming to a stop I check the damage...on my car. Luckily for me the rice burner only had a buckled hood. Radiator was in tact and not damaged. Unfortunately I can't say the same for the poor little doe.

Couldn't get any worse, right? Well, that's debateable. Hadn't been to Pelican in two years and I was headed the back way to the North side like the only two previous trips I had been. After going through Fort Duchesne everything looked familiar, but I turned off a couple of roads too soon before the one I wanted (14500 East). So I find myself out in the middle of nowhere about 4 miles out on a dirt road getting nowhere fast. Finally turned around and headed back to the main paved road (Hiway 88 I think?) Got to the lake late at about 9:40. I made the brilliant move of getting off the little dirt road by about a foot away from so as to not block the road. Bad move in a car. My passenger side tires were sitting in about 4 inches deep of lake mud. Tried to get out. Couldn't and there was nobody in sight even that late in the morning. "Well, there's nothing I can do about this now with nobody with a truck around to pull me out, so I might as well go fishing" I thought...

Finally my day got much better after drilling about 6 different holes around my favorite spot, I found 10.1 feet deep about 20 yards away from some reads. Bingo. The fishing was a little bit slower than I expected, but I had about 20 'gils caught by about 2:00. I had to wait for these nice local boys I met that came by on a 4-wheeler to get done fishing so they could push me out later. That wasn't so bad since I proceeded to catch about 30 more including several huge gils (finishing up my keeper limit) and a nice surprise, a 14 inch largie. My first nice one through the ice. Mike might not have been with me this time, but his bad luck was... I'm glad it didn't rub off on the catching though...[:p][:p]

It turned out to be a great day minus the crappy start to things. The weather was AMAZING at Pelican. About 45 degrees. Forgot sunscreen so I got a nasty sunburn, but the catching was great! Caught about 55 'gils and one largie. I should have a digital cam in a couple weeks, so I'll get better about having pics...
Sounds like you had a "fun" day Geoff. Too bad about you car but you are ok. Sounds like you got some good fishin time in too.[cool]
[cool]Thanks for your condolences, Brody. I also forgot to mention that the ice is about 24 inches thick. Quite a workout with a Stikemaster Mora hand auger... But it would have absolutely sucked if I still had my Eskimo Barricuda hand auger.... Edges are still in good shape... Had much better luck with black Ratsos tipped with waxies then chartruese Ratso's...
There is one for the books, good to hear you got some fish!! you should have take a pic of the buck and entered into the ice fishing contest.
Hey Geoff,

Glad you got into the gils and a pleasant enough largy,. Sorry for the deer tho. Ohh ya and your car.
Yikes! Glad you at least got into all those 'gills! Sounds like a fun fishing trip except for all the bad luck along the way! Be careful in those canyons buddy. Did you at least strap the deer to your car for steaks later on? [Wink] Or was there anything left?
[cool]Thanks for the kind words, Derek. The 'gils I was catching would eat 90% of the Mantua 'gils for breakfast...[:p] I only make that long trip once a year though...3 hours there and 3 hours back in one day really takes it out of a guy...
I hear ya about the long trips. I prefer fishing instead of driving, even though sometimes you gotta drive a long distance.

Yeah, Mantua has really fallen from the glory days, but we've known that for a couple years now. Hyrum and Porcupine have really been slow as well. I'm going to spend more time fishing southern Idaho in the future...many lakes up there are as good as Strawberry here in Utah because of the relatively low fishing pressure.
My bad lucky LOL your the one who normally gets the bad juju. Sorry i was sick still am and couldn't go but then again my luck would be that deer would have landed in my lap you crazy driver 70mph (lead foot). Anyways I hope I feel to getting out again sometime. This year it has been hard to get out either something going on or someone sick or just plan not in the mood. I don't know what it is but fishing hasn't been a turn on lately and I don't know why.
So are we making jerky ?
[quote BassAckward] I don't know what it is but fishing hasn't been a turn on lately and I don't know why. [/quote]
There are groups for this kind of deal. You need some special intervention.[cool]
So now I need fishing therapy? Damn AA NA now FA when will it ever end. I find something I like, next thing I know I am in some 12 step program. That I don't ever remember sighing up for.
When will I have time for TNA (wrestling) with all these Programs.

When you think about it my butt was saved! Knowing Geoff he would have been talking instead of watching(remember forgot his glasses so he wasn't anyways) the road and we would have hit 2 deer one for each of us. I bet givin the chance Geoff would run over a group of nuns and blame it on snow or rain or there was a cute women on the side of the road. And I need therapy, all I wanted was a Pepsi!
P.S. this all humor nothing serious except comments about Geoff I hope that I don't get a email(PM) saying I am once again banned and have been a naughty naughty boy. I just don't think I could take that....
LMAO! I just got done organizing my boat and lures and i had a few cold ones while engaging in said activity. I am somewhat "tipsy" at the moment. This is good stuff.[laugh]
Hey Geoff, i have to drive to Myton on thursday and want to know where those deer were. I will be leaving at 5 am and it will be dark the entire trip. Were they in the fields in Roosevelt or near there? I don't want to have any trouble.
Also, how much farther is Pelican from Myton? I want to make the trip worth my drive time.[Wink]
[cool]ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hitting a bunch of nuns??? LOL....
[cool]Brody, I think Myton is past Pelican but before Vernal. The deer I hit were about 5 minutes BEFORE Starvation. No fields there, it was Juniper trees and a few openings and a little hilly there (the road itself).
Take it from a someone that lives in the Basin. Myton is about five miles before Roosevelt. Pelican Lake is about 30 minutes from Roosevelt. You can get to Pelican by driving to Ft. Duchesne and turning right at the light or continue on Highway 40 to the Ouray/Pelican Lake turn-off.
I would recommend the Ouray/Pelican Lake turn-off for your first trip out. I wouldn't want you turning off on some farm road [Wink]
"I wouldn't want you turning off on some farm road"
[#008000]Do i hear banjos in the background or do you just not want me to get lost?[shocked][/#008000] Thanks for the help
Probably not so much banjos as bows and arrows. Shoot me a PM and I'll tell you where the wife and I fish every year.
[#008000]"Do i hear banjos in the background or do you just not want me to get lost?"[/#008000]
[#008000][/#008000]I wouldn't want you to waste time by pulling what out4Trout did.

Good luck. I plan to fish Pelican with some friends and family on Saturday.