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Full Version: white fish help?
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There was a time in my life that my fishing was limited to the long rod, but time and age have crept up on me. Most of my fishing these days is limited to a boat, but I would like, once again, to regain the rythm of the stream and the long rod, perhaps in quest of a whitefish or two for the smoker. It has been nearly 40 years since I have eaten one.

I have no knowledge, at least practical, of the middle or upper Provo or the Weber. Wading might prove to be difficult for me, but I can probably tempt a younger and more agile friend to accompany me to assist with the wading and to placate my little bride who fears the worse when I threaten to wade a river once again.

If any of you can point me in the right direction where I might catch a whitefish or two, a section of river specifically, and a couple of flies that might work, it would be greatly appreciated.

I thank you for whatever information you might provide.
I know a few places for some whities. Shoot me a pm. Easy on the legs and easy access too.[Wink]
Taggart's on the Weber is an easy place to pick up whiteys from shore. At least if it isn't iced up.
Well,I happen to be a whitie fan since I enjoy em just as much as trout, that includes eatun. I do this for my winter activity and then switch to bass as the temps permitt. I usually release trout and keep the whities so the rest of the folks can catch the trout. That being said, for some reason whitie fishunhas been tough for me this year. I have snagged as many as I caught bitting. A tail sagged shitie fight better than a Tiger Musky! [Smile] I can find schools (polaroid glasses help a lot) but if there is a trout in the school he will take my fly and the whities don't even give a look. Don't know if it's the time of year, location or what. Have noticed though that when they see ya or are spooked, they get real tough.
The Weber is my area since it's close to home. Anyway, most anywhere on the Weber that you don't have access problems is good for whities. My areas are above Coalvile in the public access areas, like between the 2ndand 3rd intersection of the frontage road, just above and below lost creek confluence, around Wellsvile, and Tagggart. There are a lot around Mtn Green and on the other side of 89 but I'm fearful of access problems and private property there. I normally use prince nymphs, caddis larva nynphs, and scuds with wax worms on my caddis larva nymphs where bait is allowed (not above Echo). You need to be on the bottom, bouncing it slwly alog with the current or letting it just hang in a school.
I'm having whities for dinner tonight, not smoked, waste of time in my opinion. [laugh][laugh][laugh][Wink]
Thanks one and all. When this miserable weather moderates I'll head out.