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Full Version: Possible change in hunter orange req.
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This is my first poll so I hope I did it right. It's two parts, one is referring to the possible changes on [url ""]hunter orange[/url] 1,2,3
and the other is whether orange camouflage is really hunter orange 4,5
I had a deer hunt three years ago where a warden was giving me a hard time because my vest was not hunter orange, it was orange camouflage... What???
The more you wear, the less likely you are gonna get shot by some idiot.[Wink]
I think the current laws are fine, When the are followed.

I rarely see people that wear a vest and a hat, it's usually one or the other. There are also still many people that wear camo orange. I saw two people last year that were wearing bright geen vests.
I like the idea of having the online courses to educate people (Extended Archery, Shed Season ect.). I think that they should have one of these courses for every permit purchased. This would make everyone aware of the requirements and they would have no excuse at all.
Just my opinion [Wink]
It makes no difference to me what is required for me to wear, if I am using a centerfire rifle. If I am 200 yards out, it makes no difference how much orange I have on. The easier it is for people to see me, the better off I am.