Fishing Forum

Full Version: Why one should think twice before driving onto the ice
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The link isn't working for me
It is not a link -- it is the actual pps file. Perhaps you don't have PowerPoint installed on your machine, or perhaps it is being blocked. Can anyone else run the file?
It worked when I saved it to my HD, instead of just trying to open it. Thanks!
I have the same problem with pps files -- Vista blocks them unless I first save them when I receive them attached to an email.
[:p]Ha! That's Funny Kent.........[sly]
The parking lot was great. Imagine coming back to that after a day fishing.
Were did you find that ? That was good.Maybe they should of brought a boat.

Rapalas don't weigh much.
the only thing missing is the owners faces. would loved to of seen a picture of that
[quote bigfishwanted]

Were did you find that ?


I received it in an email.