Fishing Forum

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New to the site and am looking forward to sharing info on fishing and technics.Thanks again for providing a place to share info .[fishin]
Welcome to the site! Take avantage of what is offered. The members here are the best.
Hello good to have u.[Smile] Tell us about yourself and the type for fishing that you do.[Smile]
Welcome, what kind of fish do you fish for ?
[#008000]Hey hossr,[/#008000]
[#008000]Welcome to BFT ! We're looking forward to reading your adventures.[/#008000]
I fish for just about anything,Have been to Yuba for perch and provo boat harbor for bass and bluegill.Ifish scofield alot at ice off till about june and then head to starvation for most the rest of summer for walleye and perch.Have fished alot of other places but these are my favs.Use minnows at scofield for Tigers and bottom bounce for walleye at starvation and perch.Yuba this winter has been real good for perch up to 13 inches using cut Dace minnows.[fishin]
Yuba has been good using just about anything. Me and my boys have gone twice and came home with sixty fish. This site has a great bunch of guys that give great info. Im sure you will like it here.[angelic]
Hey hossr,
Glad to have you aboard,
This is a great site with great people [Wink]
Thanks for the warm welcome. TIGHT LINES EVERYONE[fishin]