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Is there any fishing opportunity at Market Lake? While duck hunting several years ago, I encountered a fairly good-sized bass floating belly up, and I've wondered if people actively fish there. I know that at times, boats and tubes are restricted there, Anybody fish it through the ice ?
I have not fished the area but have also seen some fish while walking and looking around. I would be interested to see what responses are given here. Thanks for asking.

I don't know about fishing, but I know that it is full of fresh water shrimp. So I'll bet that any fish in there are well fed. I might have to take the float tube out there this spring and explore.
Be sure and read the regs Shel. I don't think you can use float tubes there at that time of year.
Yah I just looked that up. Thats to bad, perfect little lake for a float tube.
I don't know if it's to protect waterfowl nesting, or spawning fish, or what. Anybody know? I think you can wade it legally, so it doesn't seem that either of the above reasons are valid, except it would be darn tough to wade. Maybe they could make it catch and release for bass and trout, if that's a concern. Any ideas?
Its for nesting waterfowl and it is a very very valid reason!!!! A very large number of waterfolw nest on market lake in all four of the cells they have there. Dont jump to conclusions about it not being valid unless youve been there when its going on. Sorry bout the tone, but, lets not get off on a tangent that you cant support unless you have a valid arguement to support your position, in this case, based on your statement its not valid.

And yes there are perch in the cells in the deep ditches but only about like Roberts, 4-6 inches and occasionaly a bigger one. See several people fishing it in the fall during the waterfowl hunts till it freezes up.
Didn't mean to yank anyones chain. I'm operating out of a lack of knowlege, and asking questions isn't expressing opinions. If waterfowl nesting is a concern, then why is wading allowed in the spring? It seems like this would be a concern to nesting waterfowl. This is what prompted the the question. I know that regs aren't put into place arbitrarily, and I was just looking for the reason for the reg. No tangent. No position, other than obeying the rules. Take a deep breath. I'm on your side.
There may be places u can wade but about 95% of it is right a long the levees. So that impact is marginal at best. Sorry i got off on it, but it was the way you worded your post that put me off, sorry bout that and do appologize to ya.
Not a problem. Ducks need friends too. They can't benefit from the catch and release philosophy.[Wink]
They put up signs at Market Lake in the spring that read "No Human Entry" Until late June to protect the nesting waterfowl.