Fishing Forum

Full Version: Strawberry report 2-12-09
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I took my Dad fishing on Strawberry. I walked ahead of him and drilled a dozen different holes to find the fish. Finally we found them at 30 ft. I let my dad fish that one hole and he pulled two fish out before I had my other rod set up. We ended up setting up my Dad's new ice house and were cozy all day. Through the day I caught 6 and my Dad caught one more, but we both had a lot of fun. Most of the fish were suspended at around 15 ft. We ended up keeping one of my Dad's fish which was just over 22 inches. Overall we had a great time. I will post a pic when I get a chance.
My son and I were also out there.. We found fish at 30' also.. We only had 1 fish come threw at 15'..All the rest were rite on the bottom..We ended up with 20 cuts..Great day on the ice.. The weather was cold at first but ended up very nice..
Here are the promised pics. I also fished on Thursday the 12th, not the 13th. Sorry for any confusion.
Good job boys! Nice fish...
What's up with the butter in the second pic? Aren't you supposed to clean them before you butter them up?[Smile] Nice fish
Yeah, normally I do clean them before I butter them up. On a related note, I once knew a man that bit trout in the head to kill them after he caught them. So be careful what you ask about. [Wink]
I recognize my high school biology teacher when I see him.[cool]
