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I spent friday & saturday at Moon Lake. The lake was about 6 feet from being full when I left Saterday afternoon, It was filling at more than a foot per day. There was a lot of floating debris. Fishing was fast for small splake, rainbow, and slower for 10" kokes. The small splake and rainbow were all around the lake, but more concentrated at the inlets. The kokes were in the south 1/4 of the lake near the center from 25' to 40' deep in 50 to 80 feet of water. I marked a few large fish near the bottom that I assume were splake, however we didn't catch anything larger than about 13". The guy running the lodge said that the fish and game were gill netting a week ago and had netted a 10 lb splake. We were catching the splake and rainbow on red 0 mepps spinners and night crawlers. and the kokes on silver & red kokanee killers.

One intersting note, We always use eagle claw circle hooks when using night crawlers and we were able to unhook & release 90% of the rainbow, however 100% of the splake swallowed the hooks and I had to either cut the line or keep the splake.

Great report fish-dog, I have been waiting to hear some reports on the moon!!! Was the water going over the spillway??? I love fishing the inlets, it can get boring catching so many fish!!! j/k. The big fish you seen on you fishfinder could have been a mack!!! there are a few of them in the deep learks of moon lake. But I havent heard any reports of anyone snagging one though. If it is still filling at the rate you report I may have to take a trip up there in the next 10 days. I hope it is full enough to launch my boat!!!
The level was about 6 feet down from the high water levels on the shore. I have an old aluminum 16' and it launched fine, however the beach has less slope than most ramps, and you have to drive in more. The beach sand is fairly firm when wet. You have to use 4 wheel drive when driving on the dry sand. It should be clear full by mid week.

I have a 19 ft tri haul boat, and have launched it more than once on Moon Lake, it can be quite a pain in the butt, definitely with low water. But well worth the trouble when successfully launched. My parents met at moon lake 49 yrs ago, so the place definitely holds alot of sentimental value to our family, my father worked for the forest service in the 1950's out at moon lake. He was born and raised in Altamont. I really enjoy fishing the body of water at the base of the spillway, plus fishing the inlet. Last trip I caught a 21 inch splake. Thanks for the info though!!!!