06-02-2003, 02:18 PM
I spent friday & saturday at Moon Lake. The lake was about 6 feet from being full when I left Saterday afternoon, It was filling at more than a foot per day. There was a lot of floating debris. Fishing was fast for small splake, rainbow, and slower for 10" kokes. The small splake and rainbow were all around the lake, but more concentrated at the inlets. The kokes were in the south 1/4 of the lake near the center from 25' to 40' deep in 50 to 80 feet of water. I marked a few large fish near the bottom that I assume were splake, however we didn't catch anything larger than about 13". The guy running the lodge said that the fish and game were gill netting a week ago and had netted a 10 lb splake. We were catching the splake and rainbow on red 0 mepps spinners and night crawlers. and the kokes on silver & red kokanee killers.
One intersting note, We always use eagle claw circle hooks when using night crawlers and we were able to unhook & release 90% of the rainbow, however 100% of the splake swallowed the hooks and I had to either cut the line or keep the splake.
One intersting note, We always use eagle claw circle hooks when using night crawlers and we were able to unhook & release 90% of the rainbow, however 100% of the splake swallowed the hooks and I had to either cut the line or keep the splake.