I know this will probably get moved but it does relate to fishing sort of. As most of you know there is limited access to the restrooms(only when the store is open). I talked with one of the Phillips boys about the rest room being locked, and he said they're not in charge of it, the forest service is the ones who lock it and maintain it. And he said the policy is under review. He said he has been fighting with them over their policy and would appreciate any help from the public. He gave me a number 1-435-654-0470 and said to call them and voice our concerns. So if you want to fight to keep the restroom open during the winter give them a call.
I wonder when they started closing it? 2 years ago it was open all winter. I didn't get up there last year, and this year, I haven't parked at the marina, so I hadn't noticed.
I don't blame them at all for closing it. The last time I was there in the winter the place was a total mess. I was told by the marina operator that a troop of boy scouts were the ones who trashed it.
Real manorly of the Boys Scouts
Lets not blame the whole organazation of BSA for the bad behavior of some. As with all organazations a few bad apples fall from tree, doesn't mean that that is practice by all in that organazation. It sucks that they shut the bathrooms I on more than one time have had to use the bathroom at the marina this year and had to hold it or make a snow potty. Lets work to resolve the problem not place blame on it. Sorry to come off preachy not my intent.
That seems to be the problem these days no one takes the blame. That is why our society is the way it is, no one to fess up to there mistakes. Boy Scouts and others just need to respect others and nature, when its gone we will all be sorry with no solution only excuses.
So...I'm not understanding the whole siuation here..[crazy].... who plows the road into the marina area? Phillips or the Forest Service? The Forest Service plows the other recreation parking lots in the area and maintains the porta johns in those areas so why not these toilets?
Seems like whoever is running the concession, Phillips or the Forest Service, they should provide toilets of some sort, even if porta toilets...[:p]
[indent]So we are to just blame the whole organazation
![[Image: dumb.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/dumb.gif)
![[Image: dumb.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/dumb.gif)
(Thats productive). Or should we acnowledge that no one person or organazation can take blame for everything that goes wrong in life.
![[Image: sleepy.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/sleepy.gif)
I would think these young men were being taught the right from wrong basic manors, I would hope they had some direction. When I was young this kind of problem would not have happened. But in these days theres always and excuse instead of a solution. That is why there are so many more problems in todays society.
This is going noware fast Lets just agree to disagree.
Sounds good, I just feel that manors and respect have gone out the window. Not all but most people.
I sure didn't intend to tar all boy scouts with the same brush. All it takes is one or two to wreck it for all. If anybody should have their butts kicked for that incident it should have been the leaders for letting them get away with it. OOPS! I almost forgot the poor leaders couldn't make those kids do a damn thing they didn't well want to. If they even tried - parents would cloud up & RAIN all over those poor guys. Kids don't do wrong any longer.
Quote:Boy Scouts and others just need to respect others and nature
True, and so do a lot of other people. I see plenty of places trashed by others than Boy Scouts. Make people responsibile - yes. Toss stereotypes and generalized accusations around like so many snowballs - no.
It is my understanding that the marina and the parking lot is separate. The marina has the parking directly in front of the marina and lodge and the parking across from the road to the ramp is the Forest Service's responsibility. The Phillips plow so their customers can have access to the marina and lodge and rental services but were told that they cannot plow more than that. That is how it is working with the gov't. and gov't. contracts.