02-18-2009, 10:00 AM
My partner for today backed out on me yesterday so last night I gave Drum King a call to see if he wanted to keep my boat&#39;s back seat warm early this morning. He said yes, since he still doesn&#39;t have his boat back he had the itch, emoSmile <br />We met at daylight and went on a crappie search, emoScratch It was really slow at first and it was cold too, 23* when we started, emoRolleyes <br />We finally found the crappie at a deep water dock and most of the fish were caught within about an hours time. They turned on and we had 6 sets of doubles going. At one time we were catching a crappie on every cast, now that&#39;s fun, emoBig
We caught a total of 40 and then someone hit the &quot;off&quot; switch and we couldn&#39;t beg another hit, emoAngry Out of the 40 that we caught there was a high percentage of throwbacks as we only had 16 keepers, emoRolleyes Many were in the 9 &amp; 3/4 inch range, just a lil short.<br />DK was true to his name and caught an Alabama Smallmouth that weighed about 6 lbs on a jig. We thought it was a big bass at first but when I got the net under it there was one of his pets, emoGeezer <br />DK had an appointment and I had to get him back to the boat ramp at 11 and I decided I hadn&#39;t had enough so I thought I&#39;d go back out and try a little more, emoTongue I ended the day with 12 more crappie but only 2 keepers out of that round, emoThumbsup Surely a lot of throwbacks today but they are fun too when they are just a little short, they pull hard too, emoSmile Most fish were caught on ringer stingers, Bobby Garland shad and So. Pro Crappie Stingers on a 4 to 6 count in 12 to 16 fow.<br />Saw lots of bait balls today and also a lot of dead shad floating or just under the surface.<br />When I cleaned the crappie there were 7 with eggs and the rest, I guess, were males.<br />We also caught a couple bluegills. DK hooked one right in the top of the head,
I think the fish was a little
, emoBang<br />Just a footnote;<br />A very good friend of ours was killed in a car wreck a couple weekends ago and I had promised him a mess of crappie next time I caught some. I cleaned &#39;em and we took these over to his wife and kids tonight and they were as happy as could be to get fish to have a fish fry with, emoHungry I know they will enjoy them at a tuff time for the family. I&#39;m glad we could take them some fish during this
time in their lives, emoSmile He was only 42