02-18-2009, 10:00 AM
Got permission from my better half to hit the lake this morning as long as we celebrated Valentines Day this evening. emoHeart Called up Fishinjunkie and he had done his celebrating last night with his better half so it was on. emoTongue <br /><br />Today we caught some very nice bass but when I tell you on what and where I know some of you will think I am lieing just so I don&#39;t give anything away but truely this is what happened. We caught bass on Shakey Heads with finese worms, big blades, cranks, jerks and traps. We caught them from 2 feet to about 45 feet. emoDoh So in short we never found a pattern but found several nice bass that bit today. emoThumbsup We boated 15 bass, a big shad and a big drum in all that made it into the boat. We did not count any LDRs or missed/lost fish which we had several. The two biggest we weighed and they were 4 lbs and 13 ozes and 4 lbs and 14 ozes. Our five best keepers would have broke 17 lbs. give or take an oz or two.<br /><br />The two big girls were both in deeper water. The first one was on a point that had a major drop that fell off to 35 feet and I was slow rolling a big blade. The second big girl hit a jerk on another point that was 21 feet in drop and she slammed a jerk sitting still that I had pulled down to I am going to guess about 8 feet off that point. She about got my rod she hit so hard. We would have culled today but no pattern. We caught several on traps after we were told to use them by a friend of ours. We caught I think six on those in 2 to six feet. emoThumbsup Really a great day of mixed fishing for bass. As usual for me a good weight but not in a tournament. emoMad I cannot seem to do that well when it counts.<br /><br />FJ took some pics of the two big girls and a couple more he said he would post. emoSmile <br /><br />C-ya on the water. emoAngler Jmax