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Full Version: weber or ogden canyon
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ok i want to know ppls opinion would u rather fish ogden canyon or weber this time of the yr
I haven't fished Ogden canyon much but seems like the weeb is getting slammed All this hype is sending everyone and anyone to muck up the water.

Im all for sharing but when you get a person camped on a lawn chair near bank IN THE RIVER reading a book something got to give.

This really happened last summer I kid you not It was in wanship just over the bridge turn off.
It has been getting slammed for 2 years now. The Provo fisherman found out the weber was a better quality fishery and so here come the guides. Not to mention the others and their worm containers and corona bottles that catch a limit and call everybody they know to do the same. This problem is much bigger than over-crowding right now.
Plus, the area you mentioned is the worst place to fish for crowding on the weber. I stay lower and usually can just flick them off with a fly swatter.[sly]
True you do got a point these last couple of years have been something else Guess I need to start exploring more [cool][cool][cool][cool]