Fishing Forum

Full Version: yellburt, big g at jones creek, l m bass, 2-21-09, chiggabrew
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steve an i put in just after daylight,after putting a new bunk on my trailer.fished the flat just north of the bb comber bridge.then went up to jones creek.fished the flats just off the channel up to 7ft of water.water temp49 degrees .steve caught a 2ft long gar on a trap.this is his second gar in 2 weeks .i told him one more an he is going to unhook it by him self next time.them some ugly fish.,with alot of teeth.a few casts later steve caught a short fish ,his first fish since the moss was here an we were fishing with frogs.alittle while later i caught a 13inch bass.the wind got up pretty bad so i headed back towards the i am glad i was rolling.big caps.we loaded up an headed to muddcreek.i had already plugged the oven up an had the BBQ warming up .i told steve we would stop by the resturant an order some then put in an fish awhile .well after we sat there an eat we noticed that it was capping there also .an with out bellies full,we headed home .there will be another day .if the good LORDS willing.i hope it warms up next week ,if it does me an BASSert will have a jim dandy report to post friday nite.i got two pics to post so bare with me an maybe it want take me 5 days to get them on .have a good week everone .an be last thing .is everybody in ala crazy ,because when we left the ramp,they was still people putting in .the water was rough.i know my boat is allowmanium,an an not fiber but come on guys dont it get to rough sometimes.